Showing 193–204 of 4798 results

5 moduļa stikla ligzda ar jaudas mērītāju iSquare Wi-Fi


Smarteg Wi-Fi elektrības ģimenes loceklis

  • Lai izmantotu šo produktu, nav nepieciešams Zigbee Gateway
  • Labi darbojas ar visām pārējām Smarteg Smart ierīcēm
  • Darbojas ar Amazon Alexa un Google Home balss vadības pakalpojumu padara nākotnes viedo māju par realitāti jau šodien. Viedo produktu klāsts paver ceļu viedākai nākotnei un rada aizraujošas lietotņu un balss vadības iespējas pār esošajām tehnoloģijām, kas jau ir jūsu mājās

5 moduļa stikla ligzda ar jaudas mērītāju iSquare Wi-Fi


Smarteg Wi-Fi elektrības ģimenes loceklis

  • Lai izmantotu šo produktu, nav nepieciešams Zigbee Gateway
  • Labi darbojas ar visām pārējām Smarteg Smart ierīcēm
  • Darbojas ar Amazon Alexa un Google Home balss vadības pakalpojumu padara nākotnes viedo māju par realitāti jau šodien. Viedo produktu klāsts paver ceļu viedākai nākotnei un rada aizraujošas lietotņu un balss vadības iespējas pār esošajām tehnoloģijām, kas jau ir jūsu mājās

5 moduļa stikla ligzda ar jaudas mērītāju iSquare Wi-Fi


Smarteg Wi-Fi elektrības ģimenes loceklis

  • Lai izmantotu šo produktu, nav nepieciešams Zigbee Gateway
  • Labi darbojas ar visām pārējām Smarteg Smart ierīcēm
  • Darbojas ar Amazon Alexa un Google Home balss vadības pakalpojumu padara nākotnes viedo māju par realitāti jau šodien. Viedo produktu klāsts paver ceļu viedākai nākotnei un rada aizraujošas lietotņu un balss vadības iespējas pār esošajām tehnoloģijām, kas jau ir jūsu mājās

5 moduļu stikla rozete iSquare Wi-Fi

"The iSquare Wi-Fi is a 5-module glass socket with a modern design. This product is designed to provide a convenient and efficient solution for connecting multiple devices to a power source. With its built-in Wi-Fi capability, it allows for easy control and monitoring of connected devices through a smartphone or tablet.nnThe glass socket design adds a touch of elegance to any space, making it suitable for both residential and commercial settings. The 5-module configuration provides ample space for plugging in various devices, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other electronic gadgets.nnThe iSquare Wi-Fi is equipped with a modularity feature, allowing users to customize the socket according to their specific needs. This flexibility ensures compatibility with different types of plugs and devices, making it a versatile choice for any user.nnWith its Wi-Fi connectivity, users can remotely control the connected devices, turning them on or off, setting timers, or creating schedules. This feature adds convenience and energy efficiency, allowing users to manage their devices even when they are away from home or office.nnIn conclusion, the iSquare Wi-Fi is a stylish and functional 5-module glass socket that offers convenience, versatility, and remote control capabilities. It is an ideal choice for those looking for a modern and efficient solution to power multiple devices."

5 moduļu stikla rozete iSquare Wi-Fi

The iSquare Wi-Fi is a 5-module glass socket with a modern design. This product is designed to provide a convenient and efficient solution for connecting multiple devices to a power source. With its built-in Wi-Fi capability, it allows for easy control and monitoring of connected devices through a smartphone or tablet. The glass socket design adds a touch of elegance to any space, making it suitable for both residential and commercial settings. The 5-module configuration provides ample space for plugging in various devices, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other electronic gadgets. The iSquare Wi-Fi is equipped with a modularity feature, allowing users to customize the socket according to their specific needs. This flexibility ensures compatibility with different types of plugs and devices, making it a versatile choice for any user. With its Wi-Fi connectivity, users can remotely control the connected devices, turning them on or off, setting timers, or creating schedules. This feature adds convenience and energy efficiency, allowing users to manage their devices even when they are away from home or office. In conclusion, the iSquare Wi-Fi is a stylish and functional 5-module glass socket that offers convenience, versatility, and remote control capabilities. It is an ideal choice for those looking for a modern and efficient solution to power multiple devices.

5 moduļu stikla rozete iSquare Wi-Fi

"The iSquare Wi-Fi is a 5-module glass socket with a modern design. This product is designed to provide a convenient and efficient solution for connecting multiple devices to a power source. With its built-in Wi-Fi capability, it allows for easy control and monitoring of connected devices through a smartphone or tablet.nnThe glass socket design adds a touch of elegance to any space, making it suitable for both residential and commercial settings. The 5-module configuration provides ample space for plugging in various devices, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other electronic gadgets.nnThe iSquare Wi-Fi is equipped with a modularity feature, allowing users to customize the socket according to their specific needs. This flexibility ensures compatibility with different types of plugs and devices, making it a versatile choice for any user.nnWith its Wi-Fi connectivity, users can remotely control and monitor the connected devices through a dedicated mobile app. This feature enables users to turn on/off devices, set timers, and monitor energy consumption, providing convenience and energy efficiency.nnIn conclusion, the iSquare Wi-Fi is a stylish and functional 5-module glass socket that offers convenience, versatility, and energy efficiency. Its Wi-Fi capability allows for easy control and monitoring of connected devices, making it a smart choice for modern homes and offices."

5 moduļu stikla rozete iSquare Wi-Fi

Šis produkts ir 5 moduļu stikla rozete ar iSquare Wi-Fi funkciju. Tas ir ērts un moderns risinājums, kas ļauj kontrolēt elektroierīces no jebkuras vietas, izmantojot savu viedtālruni vai planšetdatoru. Stikla dizains piešķir rozetei eleganci un piestāvēs jebkurā interjerā. Ar šo rozeti jūs varēsiet viegli pārvaldīt elektroenerģijas patēriņu un ietaupīt enerģiju, izmantojot tās programmēšanas un laika plānošanas funkcijas. Tas ir lielisks produkts, kas padarīs jūsu dzīvi ērtāku un modernāku.

50A 19mm DIN Wi-Fi draiveris


Smarteg ģimenes loceklis

  • Visi produkti darbojas ar vienu Smart Life APP
  • Labi darbojas ar visām pārējām Smarteg Smart ierīcēm
  • Darbojas ar Amazon Alexa un Google Home balss vadības pakalpojumu
  • Bezmaksas lietotne ierīcēm iOS un Android padara nākotnes viedo māju par realitāti jau šodien. Viedo produktu klāsts paver ceļu viedākai nākotnei un rada aizraujošu iespēju vadīt lietotnes un balss vadību pār esošajām tehnoloģijām, kas jau ir jūsu mājās.