12 darbību ZigBee ZLL rotācijas tālvadības pults priekš HUE TUYA
6+2 pogu Bluetooth tālvadības pults
The array "6+2 pogu Bluetooth tālvadības pults" refers to a product description for a Bluetooth remote control with 6+2 buttons.This Bluetooth remote control is designed to provide convenient and wireless control over various devices. With its compact and ergonomic design, it offers ease of use and portability.Featuring 6+2 buttons, this remote control allows users to effortlessly navigate through different functions and settings of compatible devices. Whether it is adjusting volume, changing channels, or controlling multimedia playback, this remote control provides a seamless and intuitive user experience.The Bluetooth connectivity ensures a reliable and stable connection between the remote control and the paired device. This eliminates the need for line-of-sight operation, allowing users to control their devices from a distance.Additionally, this remote control is equipped with advanced technology to ensure compatibility with a wide range of devices. Whether it is a television, audio system, gaming console, or any other Bluetooth-enabled device, this remote control can easily connect and control them all.Furthermore, the remote control's long-lasting battery ensures extended usage without frequent recharging. This makes it ideal for both home and travel use.In conclusion, the 6+2 pogu Bluetooth tālvadības pults is a versatile and user-friendly remote control that offers wireless control over various devices. Its compact design, Bluetooth connectivity, and compatibility make it a convenient accessory for any tech-savvy individual.
Aeotec poga, saderīga ar SmartThings, ar Zigbee 3.0 protokolu (GP-AEOBTNEU)
Aeotec WallMote Quad — tālvadības slēdzis ar 4 pogām, ar Z-Wave protokolu
AQARA Bezvadu Mini Slēdzis
AQARA bezvadu miniatūrā poga ir gudra mājas ierīce, kas ļauj lietotājiem kontrolēt dažādas mājas automatizācijas sistēmas funkcijas ar vienkāršu pogas nospiešanu. Tā ir kompakta un viegli lietojama, tāpēc tā ir ērta papildinājums jebkurai gudrai mājas iestatīšanai.Šī miniatūrā poga ir bezvadu, kas nozīmē, ka tai nav nepieciešama sarežģīta vadu izvietošana vai uzstādīšana. To var viegli novietot jebkurā mājas vietā un to var izmantot, lai kontrolētu plašu gudro ierīču klāstu, piemēram, gaismas, spraudņus un citus saderīgus sadzīves tehnikas priekšmetus.AQARA bezvadu miniatūrā poga piedāvā vairākas vadības iespējas, tostarp vienkāršu nospiešanu, divkāršu nospiešanu un ilgu nospiešanu. Katru no šīm darbībām var programmēt, lai aktivizētu dažādas darbības vai ainavas gudrās mājas sistēmā. Piemēram, vienkārša nospiešana var ieslēgt gaismas, divkārša nospiešana var aktivizēt konkrētu ainavu, un ilga nospiešana var izslēgt visas savienotās ierīces.Poga darbojas ar izmaiņām paredzējamu bateriju, nodrošinot ilgstošu lietošanu bez biežas uzlādes nepieciešamības. Tā arī ir aprīkota ar zemu enerģijas patēriņu, kas papildus paildzina baterijas darbības laiku.Attiecībā uz saderību AQARA bezvadu miniatūrā poga bez problēmām darbojas ar citām AQARA gudrām mājas ierīcēm un var tikt integrēta populārās gudrās mājas platformās, piemēram, Apple HomeKit, Google Assistant un Amazon Alexa. Tas ļauj lietotājiem kontrolēt savas gudrās mājas ierīces, izmantojot balss komandas vai speciāli izstrādātas mobilās lietotnes.Kopumā AQARA bezvadu miniatūrā poga ir daudzpusīga un lietotājam draudzīga gudra mājas ierīce, kas nodrošina ērtu kontroli pār dažādām gudrās mājas sistēmas funkcijām. Tās kompakta izmēra, bezvadu funkcionalitātes un saderība ar populārām gudrām mājas platformām padara to par populāru izvēli starp māju īpašniekiem, kuri vēlas uzlabot savu mājas automatizācijas pieredzi.
AQARA Cube T1 Pro
AQARA Cube T1 Pro is a versatile smart device that brings a new level of interactivity to your smart home. This cube-shaped gadget is designed to enhance your home automation experience by providing intuitive control over various smart devices and functions.With its sleek and compact design, the AQARA Cube T1 Pro seamlessly blends into any modern home decor. It is equipped with advanced sensors and connectivity options, making it compatible with a wide range of smart home devices and platforms.The AQARA Cube T1 Pro offers a unique way to interact with your smart home. By simply rotating, flipping, or shaking the cube, you can trigger different actions or control specific devices. For example, rotating the cube clockwise might adjust the brightness of your smart lights, while flipping it upside down could turn off all the lights in the room.This smart cube also features built-in gesture recognition, allowing you to assign specific actions to different gestures. For instance, a double tap on the cube's surface could activate your home security system, while a swipe gesture might adjust the temperature of your smart thermostat.Setting up the AQARA Cube T1 Pro is a breeze. It can be easily connected to your existing smart home ecosystem via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, ensuring seamless integration with other compatible devices. The cube is also equipped with a long-lasting battery, ensuring uninterrupted operation for extended periods.In addition to its interactive capabilities, the AQARA Cube T1 Pro also serves as a stylish decorative piece for your home. Its minimalist design and smooth surface make it an attractive addition to any room.Overall, the AQARA Cube T1 Pro is a smart home accessory that adds a touch of fun and convenience to your daily life. With its intuitive controls and compatibility with various smart devices, it offers a unique and engaging way to interact with your smart home ecosystem.