AQARA Hub M1S Gen2 EU ir viedās mājas centrmezgls, kas darbojas kā centrālais vadības bloks dažādām viedierīcēm jūsu mājās. Tas ir paredzēts darbam ar AQARA ekosistēmu, ļaujot savienot un vadīt plašu viedierīču klāstu, piemēram, sensorus, slēdžus, gaismas un daudz ko citu. Izmantojot AQARA Hub M1S Gen2 EU, varat izveidot automatizācijas scenārijus un kontrolēt savu viedierīces attālināti, izmantojot viedtālruņa lietotni AQARA. Tas atbalsta Zigbee 3.0 protokolu, nodrošinot stabilu un uzticamu savienojumu starp centrmezglu un jūsu viedierīcēm. Centrmezglam ir arī iebūvēts skaļrunis un RGB LED indikators, kas ļauj nodrošināt skaņas un vizuālus paziņojumus par tādiem notikumiem kā durvis/logi atvēršana, kustības noteikšana un daudz kas cits. Tas var darboties arī kā naktslampiņa, nodrošinot maigu spīdumu tumsā. Turklāt AQARA Hub M1S Gen2 EU atbalsta balss vadību, izmantojot tādus populārus balss palīgus kā Amazon Alexa un Google Assistant. Tas ļauj kontrolēt viedierīces, izmantojot balss komandas, padarot viedās mājas pieredzi vēl ērtāku. Kopumā AQARA Hub M1S Gen2 EU ir daudzpusīgs un ar funkcijām bagāts viedās mājas centrmezgls, kas palīdz izveidot savienotu un automatizētu mājas vidi. .
Gudrā mājas tilts ir būtisks elements modernās mājas automatizācijā. Šis ierīces veido savienojumu starp dažādām viedajām ierīcēm un sistēmām, ļaujot tām mijiedarboties un darboties kopā harmoniski. Ar gudrā mājas tiltu jūs varat centralizēti kontrolēt apgaismojumu, apkuri, drošību un citus parametrus, izmantojot vienu galveno punktu. Tas radīs vienkāršotu, viedu un ērtu mājas vidi, kurā visas ierīces strādā sinhronizēti, veicinot gan komfortu, gan enerģijas taupīšanu.
Weight | 0.188 kg |
Dimensions | 8 × 8.5 × 8 cm |
Connection protocol |
Only 1 left in stock
Categories: Vadības bloki, Vadības habi, Viedā māja
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About brand
Aqara is a leading brand in the smart home industry, renowned for its innovative and cutting-edge solutions that seamlessly integrate technology into the fabric of everyday living. Established with a commitment to creating intelligent and user-friendly home automation systems, Aqara has become synonymous with reliability, efficiency, and modern design.At the heart of Aqara's offerings is a comprehensive range of smart home devices that cater to diverse needs, from security to convenience. The brand is widely recognized for its state-of-the-art smart sensors, smart locks, cameras, lighting controls, and other interconnected devices that form a cohesive ecosystem. Aqara's products are designed to enhance the quality of life by providing users with greater control over their living spaces through intuitive and user-friendly interfaces.Aqara distinguishes itself through its dedication to ensuring seamless integration with popular smart home platforms, making it easy for users to incorporate Aqara devices into their existing setups. This interoperability contributes to the brand's reputation for adaptability and forward-thinking in the rapidly evolving landscape of smart home technology.Notably, Aqara places a strong emphasis on user privacy and data security, implementing robust encryption measures to safeguard sensitive information. This commitment to privacy has further strengthened the trust that users place in Aqara as they embrace the benefits of a connected and automated home.Beyond functionality, Aqara products are characterized by their sleek and modern design aesthetics. The brand understands the importance of blending seamlessly with various home decors, ensuring that its devices not only serve a practical purpose but also contribute to the overall visual appeal of a living space.In summary, Aqara is a brand synonymous with innovation, reliability, and user-centric design in the smart home industry. With a commitment to privacy and a diverse portfolio of seamlessly integrated devices, Aqara continues to redefine and elevate the smart home experience for users around the world.
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