Showing 3769–3780 of 4823 results

Sonoff TX Ultimate T5 EU 1C 1-gang smart WiFi + eWeLink-Remote (Bluetooth) wall touch light switch

The Sonoff TX Ultimate T5 EU is a smart light switch that supports Wi-Fi and eWeLink-Remote protocols. It features a full surface touch switch, allowing you to turn on/off the light with a simple touch anywhere on the panel. The switch can be controlled remotely from a mobile phone via the internet and supports scheduled ON/OFF, timer, and loop controlled ON/OFF functions. It also has a replaceable touch front panel and a LED strip that can be customized for various functions such as showing ON/OFF status, ambient/mood lighting, and night light. The switch is available in one, two, and three circuit/touch button versions. It can be paired with the eWeLink smart home system and is compatible with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Google Nest for voice control. Additionally, it can be remotely controlled from Sonoff Bluetooth wireless devices. The Sonoff TX Ultimate T5 EU is a versatile and convenient solution for smart control of any lamp or lighting.

Sonoff TX Ultimate T5 EU 2C 2-gang smart WiFi + eWeLink-Remote (Bluetooth) wall touch light switch

The Sonoff TX Ultimate T5 EU is a smart light switch that supports Wi-Fi and eWeLink-Remote protocols. It features a full surface touch switch, allowing you to turn on/off the light with a simple touch anywhere on the panel. The switch can be controlled remotely from a mobile phone via the internet and supports scheduled ON/OFF, timer, and loop controlled ON/OFF functions. It also has a replaceable touch front panel and a LED strip that can be customized for various functions such as showing ON/OFF status, ambient/mood lighting, and night light. The switch is available in one, two, and three circuit/touch button versions. It can be paired with the eWeLink smart home system and is compatible with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Google Nest for voice control. Additionally, it can be remotely controlled from Sonoff Bluetooth wireless devices. The Sonoff TX Ultimate T5 EU is a versatile and convenient solution for smart control of any lamp or lighting.

Sonoff TX Ultimate T5 EU 3C 3-gang smart WiFi + eWeLink-Remote (Bluetooth) wall touch light switch

The Sonoff TX Ultimate T5 EU is a smart light switch that supports Wi-Fi and eWeLink-Remote protocols. It features a full surface touch switch, allowing you to turn on/off the light with a simple touch anywhere on the panel. The switch can be controlled remotely from a mobile phone via the internet and supports scheduled ON/OFF, timer, and loop controlled ON/OFF functions. It also has a replaceable touch front panel and a LED strip that can be customized for various functions such as showing ON/OFF status, ambient/mood lighting, and night light. The switch is available in one, two, and three circuit/touch button versions. It can be paired with the eWeLink smart home system and is compatible with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Google Nest for voice control. Additionally, it can be remotely controlled from Sonoff Bluetooth wireless devices. The Sonoff TX Ultimate T5 EU is a versatile and convenient solution for smart control of any lamp or lighting.

Sonoff Waterproof box R2

. Sonoff Waterproof Box R2 . The Sonoff Waterproof Box R2 is the perfect way to protect your Sonoff devices

Sonoff Wi-Fi relejs bez neitrāla.

Sonoff Wi-Fi relejs bez neitrāla ir inovatīvs un praktisks ierīce, kas ļauj jums viegli kontrolēt jebkuru elektrisko ierīci no jebkuras vietas, izmantojot savu viedtālruni vai planšetdatoru.Šis relejs ir īpaši izstrādāts, lai atrisinātu problēmas, kas saistītas ar trūkstošo neitrālo vadu. Tas nozīmē, ka to var viegli uzstādīt jebkurā mājā vai dzīvoklī, neatkarīgi no elektroinstalācijas veida.Vienkārši pieslēdzot Sonoff Wi-Fi releju pie jūsu elektriskās ierīces un savienojot to ar jūsu Wi-Fi tīklu, jūs varat kontrolēt šo ierīci no jebkuras vietas, izmantojot speciālu mobilās lietotnes interfeisu. Tas ļauj jums ieslēgt vai izslēgt ierīci, iestatīt laika grafikus vai pat izveidot automatizācijas, kas atbilst jūsu vajadzībām.Sonoff Wi-Fi relejs bez neitrāla ir arī savienojams ar populārākajiem viedtālruņu asistentiem, piemēram, Amazon Alexa vai Google Assistant, tādējādi nodrošinot vēl lielāku ērtību un kontroli pār jūsu mājas elektroniku.Turklāt, šis relejs ir aprīkots ar drošības funkcijām, kas aizsargā jūsu mājas elektroinstalāciju no pārslodzes vai īssavienojuma riskiem. Tas nodrošina drošu un uzticamu darbību, lai jūs varētu mierīgi izmantot savas elektriskās ierīces.Kopumā Sonoff Wi-Fi relejs bez neitrāla ir lielisks produkts, kas padara jūsu mājas automatizāciju vienkāršu un pieejamu. Tas nodrošina ērtību, kontroli un drošību, vienlaikus piedāvājot modernu un stilīgu dizainu. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai vēlaties pārvaldīt gaismas, apkuri vai citus elektriskos ierīces, šis relejs ir ideāls risinājums jūsu vajadzībām.

Sonoff WTS01 waterproof temperature sensor (with RJ9 4P4C connector)

Sonoff WTS01is a waterproof temperature sensor, compatible with Sonoff TH16R3 and TH20R3 smart relay switches. Due to its waterproof design

Sonoff ZBMini ZigBee smart relay

Sonoff ZBMini ZigBee smart relay The Sonoff ZBMini ZigBee smart relay is a small, affordable device that allows you to

SONOFF ZigBee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus USB stick (ZBDONGLE-E)

The SONOFF ZigBee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus is a versatile and easy-to-use USB stick for connecting devices to a ZigBee

SONOFF Zigbee Bridge – smart Zigbee-WiFi Bridge for eWeLink

SONOFF Zigbee Bridge ir gudrs Zigbee-WiFi tilts, kas ir paredzēts darbam ar eWeLink platformu. Šis tilts nodrošina savienojumu starp Zigbee un WiFi tīkliem, ļaujot jums kontrolēt un pārvaldīt dažādus Zigbee ierīces no jebkuras vietas, izmantojot eWeLink lietotni.Šis tilts ir ļoti viegli uzstādāms un lietojams. Pirmkārt, jums būs jāpieslēdz tilts pie jūsu WiFi tīkla, izmantojot eWeLink lietotni. Pēc tam jūs varat sākt pievienot un pārvaldīt savas Zigbee ierīces, piemēram, gaismas, sensorus vai slēdzenes, izmantojot šo tiltu.Ar eWeLink lietotnes palīdzību jūs varat izveidot automatizācijas un scenārijus, lai kontrolētu savas Zigbee ierīces atbilstoši jūsu vajadzībām. Piemēram, jūs varat iestatīt gaismas ieslēgšanos, kad sensors atklāj kustību vai izveidot laika grafiku, kad noteiktas ierīces ir jāieslēdz vai jāizslēdz.SONOFF Zigbee Bridge ir lielisks risinājums, ja jums ir dažādas Zigbee ierīces un vēlaties tos kontrolēt no vienas vietas. Tas nodrošina ērtu un vienkāršu veidu, kā pārvaldīt savu mājas automatizāciju un padarīt savu dzīvi vēl ērtāku.

SONOFF Zigbee Bridge Pro – smart Zigbee-WiFi Bridge for eWeLink, with local/offline scenes

Sonoff Zigbee Bridge PRO (ZBBridge-P),Sonoff’s 2022 new product, is a bridge or gateway between Zigbee protocol smart devices (relays and

Sonoff Zigbee CC2531 USB sargspraudnis

Sonoff Zigbee CC2531 USB Dongle ir ērta un viegli lietojama ierīce Zigbee savienojamības pievienošanai jūsu viedās mājas sistēmai.

SONOFF Zigbee door window status sensor (SNZB-04)

Sonoff Zigbee door / window status sensor, a Sonoff’s 2020 new product, is Zigbee protocol based very tiny sensor easily