SmartWise T4 EU 3C 3-gang WiFi+RF smart light switch (single-live-wire, works without neutral) (R2, white)
The SmartWise T4 EU 3C smart light switch is a single live wire switch that can be easily installed as a replacement for traditional EU switches. It does not require a neutral wire and features a built-in WiFi and RF receiver chip. This allows it to be paired with wireless RF switches for two-way switching. The switch has a sleek glass touch panel and is compatible with tungsten, LED, and CFL lamps. It also comes with a weak LED backlight for easy visibility at night. The switch can be controlled remotely through the mobile app and is compatible with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, IFTTT, and Google Nest. It also has timer functions, scene control, and the ability to share control with family members. Please note that the switch requires the installation of an anti-flicker module for proper operation.
SmartWise T4 EU 3C UNI (R3), balts, 3-vietu, WiFi+RF gudrās gaismas slēdzene (darbojas ar vienas dzīvās vadu un ar dzīvās vadu + nulles vadu pieslēgumu).
SmartWise T4 EU UNI (R3) ir jaunākā, trešās paaudzes (R3) universālā sērijas gudrās gaismas slēdža versija. Tas ir piemērots gan dzīvojamām telpām, gan birojiem. Slēdzis atbalsta gan dzīvo vadu (fāzi) + neitrālo vadu, gan arī vadu ar vienu dzīvo vadu bez neitrālā vada. Tas ir ļoti universāls risinājums, kas var tikt uzstādīts jebkurā Eiropas sienas kastē, ar vai bez neitrālā vada. Slēdža priekšējā stikla paneļa dizains ir elegants, un tam ir jutīgs pieskāriena slēdzis, kas ļauj ieslēgt/izslēgt gaismas tāpat kā tradicionālajam sienas slēdzim. Slēdzis ir savietojams ar eWeLink lietotni un platformu, tāpēc to var viegli kombinēt ar citu zīmolu slēdžiem, kas izmanto eWeLink lietotni. Slēdzis ir aprīkots ar iebūvētu Wi-Fi čipu, kas ļauj to savienot ar eWeLink mākoņa serveri un pārbaudīt slēdža stāvokli un ieslēgt/izslēgt slēdzi attālināti, izmantojot bezmaksas eWeLink lietotni, kas darbojas iOS (Apple) vai Android viedtālruņos. Slēdzim ir arī laika releja funkcija, kas ļauj iestatīt automātisku izslēgšanos pēc norādīta laika, lai ietaupītu enerģijas izmaksas. Slēdža attālināto vadību var koplietot ar citiem, piemēram, ģimenes locekļiem. Tas ir ideāls risinājums gudrai gaismu vadībai. Ar šo slēdzi var attālināti kontrolēt gaismas pat tad, ja neesat mājās. To var izmantot arī kā drošības risinājumu, programmējot ieslēgšanos un izslēgšanos, lai rādītu apkārtējam pasaulē, ka jūs esat mājās. Slēdzim ir iebūvēts RF 433MHz uztvērējs, kas ļauj to attālināti kontrolēt ar bezvadu RF sienas slēdžiem un RF 433MHz radio tālvadības pulti. Ar bezvadu RF sienas slēdžiem var viegli un bezvadu veidā iestatīt divvirzienu / trīsvirzienu u.c. slēdzēšanu (vairāku slēdžu gadījumā). Slēdža individuālās pogas var savienot vienu pa vienai ar bezvadu RF slēdža vai tālvadības pults pogām, nodrošinot lielu elastību. Šī SmartWise slēdža R3 UNI versijai ir vairākas jaunas funkcijas salīdzinājumā ar iepriekšējo R2 versiju, tostarp universāla vadīšana, 4-gangu versija un nedaudz atšķirīgs priekšējais paneļa dizains. SmartWise T4 EU UNI (R3) gudrā slēdzis tagad ir pieejams arī ar 1, 2, 3 un 4-gangu versijām, kā arī ar baltu un melnu stikla priekšējo paneli.
SmartWise T4 EU 3C UNI (R3), melns, 3-gangu, WiFi+RF gudrā gaismas slēdzene (darbojas ar vienas dzīvās vadu un ar dzīvo+vienkāršā vadu savienojumu).
SmartWise T4 EU UNI (R3) ir jaunākā, trešās paaudzes (R3) universālā sērijas gudrās gaismas slēdža versija. Tas ir piemērots gan dzīvojamām telpām, gan birojiem, un to var uzstādīt jebkurā Eiropas sienas kastē. Slēdzis atbalsta gan vadu ar dzīvo vadu un nulles vadu, gan vadu ar vienu dzīvo vadu bez nulles vada. Tas ir aprīkots ar eleganto stikla priekšējo paneli un jutīgu pieskāriena slēdzi, kas ļauj ieslēgt/izslēgt gaismas tāpat kā tradicionālais sienas slēdzis. Slēdzis ir savietojams ar eWeLink lietotni un platformu, kas ļauj to kombinēt ar citu zīmolu slēdžiem, piemēram, Sonoff, SmartWise, KingArt, WDYK un Woolley. Tas ir aprīkots ar iebūvētu Wi-Fi čipu, kas ļauj to savienot ar eWeLink mākoņa sistēmu un pārbaudīt slēdža stāvokli un ieslēgt/izslēgt to attālināti, izmantojot bezmaksas eWeLink lietotni. Slēdzis ir arī aprīkots ar iebūvētu RF 433MHz uztvērēju, kas ļauj to attālināti kontrolēt ar bezvadu RF sienas slēdžiem un tālvadības pulti. Tas ir ideāls risinājums gudrai gaismas vadībai un var tikt izmantots gan mājās, gan ārpus tām. Slēdzis ir pieejams arī ar 1, 2, 3 un 4-gangu versijām, un ir pieejams ar baltu un melnu stikla priekšējo paneli.
SmartWise T4 EU 4C UNI (R3), balts, 4-vietu, WiFi+RF gudrās gaismas slēdzene (darbojas ar vienas dzīvās vadu un ar dzīvās vadu + nulles vadu pieslēgumu).
SmartWise T4 EU UNI (R3) ir jaunākā, trešās paaudzes (R3) universālā sērijas gudrās gaismas slēdža versija. Tas ir piemērots gan dzīvojamām telpām, gan birojiem, un to var uzstādīt jebkurā Eiropas sienas kastē. Slēdzis darbojas gan ar dzīvo vadu un neitrālo vadu, gan ar vienīgi dzīvo vadu. Tas ir aprīkots ar eleganto stikla priekšējo paneli un jutīgu pieskāriena slēdzi, kas ļauj ieslēgt/izslēgt gaismas tāpat kā tradicionālais sienas slēdzis. Slēdzis ir savietojams ar eWeLink lietotni un platformu, kas ļauj to kombinēt ar citu zīmolu slēdžiem, piemēram, Sonoff, SmartWise, KingArt, WDYK un Woolley. Tas nodrošina attālinātu pārbaudi par slēdža stāvokli un iespēju to ieslēgt/izslēgt, izmantojot bezmaksas eWeLink lietotni. Slēdzis ir arī aprīkots ar iebūvētu RF 433MHz uztvērēju, kas ļauj to attālināti kontrolēt ar bezvadu RF sienas slēdžiem un tālvadības pulti. Tas ir ideāls risinājums gudrai gaismas vadībai un var tikt izmantots gan mājās, gan ārpus tām. Slēdzis ir pieejams arī ar 1, 2, 3 un 4-gangu versijām, kā arī ar baltu un melnu stikla priekšējo paneli.
SmartWise T4 EU 4C UNI (R3), black, 4-gang, WiFi+RF smart light switch (works with single-live-wire, and with live+neutral wiring)
The SmartWise T4 EU UNI (R3) smart light switch series is a universal wall switch that can be installed in any European wall box. It supports both wiring with a live (phase) + neutral wire and wiring with a single live wire without a neutral wire. It features an elegant glass front panel and a sensitive touch switch for easy on/off control of lights. The switch uses the eWeLink app and platform, allowing it to be combined with other brands using the app. With its built-in Wi-Fi chip, it can be remotely controlled and scheduled using the eWeLink app. The switch also has a built-in RF 433MHz receiver, allowing it to be controlled with wireless RF wall switches and remote controllers. The R3 UNI version has new features compared to the previous R2 version, including universal wiring, a 4-gang version, and a slightly different front panel design. The SmartWise T4 EU UNI (R3) smart switch is available in 1, 2, 3, and 4-gang versions with white and black glass front panels. It can be paired with multiple wireless RF switches for multi-way switching. The product comes with a small anti-flicker module for live-wire-only installations. It works without a neutral wire and can be installed as a replacement for EU traditional switches. The switch is compatible with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, IFTTT, and Google Nest. It has a maximum load of 300W for incandescent lights and 100W for LED lights.
SmartWise wall switch front panel, white, 1-button
This product is a front panel accessory designed for various smart switches, including the SmartWise (WiFi+RF) BL and BLN series, Zigbee BL-ZB and BLN-ZB series, and BRF series 433MHz wireless RF switches. It features a dim grey color and is equipped with a physical button. This particular version of the product includes one button.
SmartWise WiFi garage door opener, eWeLink-compatible, with status sensor
The SmartWise WiFi garage door opener is a highly efficient and convenient device that allows you to control your garage door remotely. With its compatibility with eWeLink, a popular smart home platform, you can easily integrate it into your existing smart home ecosystem.This garage door opener comes equipped with a status sensor, providing you with real-time information about the current state of your garage door. Whether it is open, closed, or in motion, you can stay updated through the eWeLink app on your smartphone.Installation is a breeze, and the WiFi connectivity ensures a stable and reliable connection to your home network. Once connected, you can effortlessly open or close your garage door from anywhere, eliminating the need for physical keys or remotes.The SmartWise WiFi garage door opener offers enhanced security features, allowing you to grant access to specific individuals or set up temporary access codes for guests. You can also receive instant notifications whenever your garage door is opened or closed, providing you with peace of mind and ensuring the safety of your belongings.With its sleek and compact design, this garage door opener seamlessly blends into any garage decor. Its durable construction ensures long-lasting performance, even in harsh weather conditions.Upgrade your garage door with the SmartWise WiFi garage door opener and experience the convenience, security, and peace of mind it brings to your everyday life.
SmartWise WiFi motorized valve for water mains, 1″ inch (DN25), PN16
The SmartWise WiFi motorized valve for water mains is a high-quality and efficient solution for controlling water flow. With a size of 1 inch (DN25) and a pressure rating of PN16, this valve is designed to meet the demands of various water systems. Its WiFi connectivity allows for convenient remote control and monitoring, ensuring optimal water management. Invest in this reliable and technologically advanced motorized valve to enhance the efficiency and convenience of your water mains system.
SmartWise WiFi motorized valve for water mains, 1/2″ inch (DN15), PN16
The SmartWise WiFi motorized valve for water mains is a high-quality and efficient solution for controlling water flow. With a size of 1/2 inch (DN15) and a pressure rating of PN16, this valve is designed to meet your specific needs. Its WiFi connectivity allows for convenient remote control and monitoring, ensuring optimal water management. Invest in this reliable and technologically advanced valve to enhance your water system's efficiency and convenience.
SmartWise WiFi motorized valve for water mains, 3/4″ inch (DN20), PN16
The SmartWise WiFi motorized valve for water mains is a high-quality and efficient solution for controlling water flow. With a size of 3/4 inch (DN20) and a pressure rating of PN16, this valve is designed to provide reliable performance. Its WiFi connectivity allows for convenient remote control and monitoring, making it a smart choice for managing water systems. Upgrade your water mains with this advanced motorized valve and experience enhanced control and efficiency.
SmartWise Zigbee Bridge Pro with extended range and capacity, a smart Zigbee-WiFi Bridge for eWeLink
The SmartWise Zigbee Bridge Pro is an advanced and versatile device designed to enhance your smart home experience. With extended range and capacity, this smart Zigbee-WiFi Bridge is the perfect addition to your eWeLink ecosystem.This bridge acts as a central hub, connecting all your Zigbee-enabled devices to your existing WiFi network. It seamlessly integrates with the eWeLink app, allowing you to control and manage your smart devices from anywhere, at any time.With its extended range, the SmartWise Zigbee Bridge Pro ensures a strong and reliable connection between your Zigbee devices and your WiFi network. No more dead spots or weak signals, as this bridge extends the coverage area, ensuring that all your devices stay connected and responsive.Not only does the SmartWise Zigbee Bridge Pro offer an extended range, but it also boasts an increased capacity. With the ability to connect and control a large number of Zigbee devices simultaneously, you can expand your smart home setup without worrying about limitations.Setting up the SmartWise Zigbee Bridge Pro is a breeze. Simply connect it to your WiFi network, pair it with your Zigbee devices, and you're ready to go. The eWeLink app provides a user-friendly interface, allowing you to easily manage and customize your smart home automation.Take full advantage of the SmartWise Zigbee Bridge Pro's capabilities by creating schedules, automations, and scenes. Set your lights to turn on automatically when you arrive home, or schedule your thermostat to adjust based on your daily routine. The possibilities are endless, and the convenience is unparalleled.Upgrade your smart home with the SmartWise Zigbee Bridge Pro and enjoy the benefits of extended range, increased capacity, and seamless integration with eWeLink. Experience a smarter, more connected home today.
Socket Module iSquare Wi-Fi
The Socket Module iSquare Wi-Fi in white is a versatile and innovative product that brings convenience and efficiency to your home or office. This compact device seamlessly integrates with your existing electrical sockets, transforming them into smart outlets.With its built-in Wi-Fi connectivity, the Socket Module iSquare allows you to control and monitor your appliances and devices remotely. Whether you're at home or on the go, you can easily turn on or off any connected device using your smartphone or tablet. This not only saves you time and energy but also provides an added layer of security by allowing you to simulate occupancy when you're away.The iSquare Wi-Fi Socket Module is compatible with popular voice assistants such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, enabling you to control your devices effortlessly with simple voice commands. You can create schedules and timers to automate your appliances, ensuring they operate according to your desired settings without any manual intervention.Designed in an elegant white color, this Socket Module seamlessly blends with any interior decor. Its compact size ensures that it doesn't obstruct adjacent sockets, allowing you to maximize the use of your electrical outlets. The iSquare Wi-Fi Socket Module is also equipped with surge protection, safeguarding your valuable devices against power fluctuations and electrical surges.Installation is a breeze, requiring no additional wiring or complicated setup. Simply plug the Socket Module into your existing socket, connect it to your home Wi-Fi network, and you're ready to enjoy the benefits of a smart home.Upgrade your home or office with the Socket Module iSquare Wi-Fi in white and experience the convenience, energy savings, and enhanced control it brings to your everyday life.