Showing 13–23 of 23 results

Aeotec Smart Switch 7, gudrais spraudnis ar enerģijas mērītāju, ar Z-Wave protokolu (ZW175-C16)

Aeotec Smart Switch 7 ir gudrais spraudnis ar enerģijas mērītāju, kas darbojas ar Z-Wave protokolu (ZW175-C16). Šis spraudnis ļauj jums kontrolēt un pārvaldīt jebkuru ierīci, kas ir pievienota tam, un vienlaikus nodrošina enerģijas patēriņa mērījumu. Izmantojot šo gudro spraudni, jūs varat efektīvi pārvaldīt enerģijas patēriņu savā mājā vai birojā, padarot to par viedu un ilgtspējīgu risinājumu.

Aeotec SmartThings hub (Zigbee + Thread + Z-Wave)

The Aeotec SmartThings hub is a versatile and advanced smart home hub that supports multiple communication protocols, including Zigbee, Thread, and Z-Wave. This hub acts as the central control unit for your smart home devices, allowing you to seamlessly integrate and manage various smart devices from different brands.With Zigbee compatibility, the hub can connect to a wide range of Zigbee-enabled devices such as smart lights, sensors, and switches. This enables you to create a comprehensive and interconnected smart home ecosystem, where you can control and automate different aspects of your home with ease.Additionally, the inclusion of Thread support further enhances the hub's capabilities. Thread is a low-power, secure, and reliable wireless protocol that enables seamless communication between smart devices. By incorporating Thread, the Aeotec SmartThings hub ensures a robust and efficient network for your smart home devices, enhancing their performance and reliability.Furthermore, the hub also supports Z-Wave, another popular wireless protocol used in smart home automation. Z-Wave compatibility allows you to connect and control a wide range of Z-Wave devices, such as door locks, thermostats, and security systems. This expands the possibilities for creating a comprehensive and interconnected smart home setup.The Aeotec SmartThings hub offers a user-friendly interface, allowing you to easily set up and manage your smart home devices through a dedicated mobile app. The app provides intuitive controls, scheduling options, and automation features, empowering you to customize and optimize your smart home experience according to your preferences.In summary, the Aeotec SmartThings hub is a powerful and versatile smart home hub that supports Zigbee, Thread, and Z-Wave protocols. With its wide compatibility and user-friendly interface, it provides a seamless and convenient way to control and automate your smart home devices, creating a truly connected and intelligent living space.

Aeotec Ūdens Sensors 7, ar Z-Wave protokolu (ZWA018)

Aeotec Water Sensor 7 ir plūdu sensors, noplūdes sensors un drošības sensors vienā ierīcē. Noplūdes noteikšana. Noplūdes veido dārgus rēķinus

Aeotec Viedais spraudņis F tips, ar enerģijas skaitītāju, SmartThings Zigbee 3.0 (GP-AEOWPFEU)

Aeotec Outlet (Smart Plug) Type F ar enerģijas mērītāju, saderīgs ar SmartThings un Zigbee 3.0 protokolu (GP-AEOWPFEU). Pārskatiet šo produktu, lai iegūtu viedu spraudni, kas ļauj kontrolēt enerģijas patēriņu un saderīgs ar SmartThings platformu. Izbaudiet ērtības un enerģijas taupīšanu ar šo uzlaboto spraudni.

Aeotec WallMote Quad – Remote Switch with 4 Buttons, with Z-Wave protocol

The Aeotec WallMote is a versatile smart home device that functions as both a fixed 4-button wall switch and a portable remote control. It can be easily integrated into an existing Z-Wave network as a secondary controller, allowing you to wirelessly control devices and scenes. The WallMote features touch control with sliding functionality, allowing you to intuitively dim lights with a single swipe. It also comes with a magnet for wall mounting or can be used as a portable remote control. With wireless technology and a color LED display, the Aeotec WallMote offers convenient and customizable control for your smart home.

Aeotec Water Sensor 7 Pro, with Z-Wave protocol (ZWA019)

TheAeotec Water Sensor 7 Prois a flood sensor, a leak sensor and a safety sensor in one device. Leak detection.Leakages

Aeotec Z-Stick 7, a USB controller for Z-Wave protocol (ZWA010)

Aeotec Z-Stick 7 is a USB controller designed for the Z-Wave protocol (ZWA010). This compact and versatile device allows users to easily integrate Z-Wave compatible smart home devices into their existing setup.With the Aeotec Z-Stick 7, users can conveniently control and monitor various Z-Wave devices such as lights, thermostats, door locks, and more, all from a single centralized hub. The USB interface ensures easy connectivity to a computer or any other compatible device.Featuring the latest Z-Wave technology, this controller offers enhanced performance and reliability. It supports the latest Z-Wave Plus V2 certification, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of Z-Wave devices. The Z-Stick 7 also boasts improved wireless range and faster communication speeds, providing a seamless and efficient smart home experience.Setting up the Aeotec Z-Stick 7 is straightforward. Simply plug it into a USB port on your device, install the necessary software or drivers, and you're ready to start adding and managing your Z-Wave devices. The controller is compatible with popular smart home platforms and software, allowing for easy integration and control through a user-friendly interface.Whether you're a beginner or an experienced smart home enthusiast, the Aeotec Z-Stick 7 offers a reliable and user-friendly solution for incorporating Z-Wave devices into your home automation setup. Upgrade your home to a smarter and more connected environment with the Aeotec Z-Stick 7 USB controller.

Aeotec Z-Stick, an USB Z-Wave controller with battery, Gen5+ (ZW090)

Aeotec Z-Stick ir USB Z-Wave kontrolieris ar bateriju, Gen5+ (ZW090). Šis kontrolieris ir paredzēts izmantot Z-Wave tīklā, kas ir bezvadu tehnoloģija, kas ļauj savienot un kontrolēt dažādus Z-Wave saderīgus ierīces.Aeotec Z-Stick ir ļoti kompakts un viegli lietojams. Tas ir aprīkots ar bateriju, kas ļauj to izmantot arī bez pievienotās USB pieslēgvietas. Tas ir ļoti noderīgi, ja vēlaties pārvietot kontrolieri vai izmantot to vietās, kur nav pieejama pastāvīga strāvas padeve.Šis kontrolieris ir Gen5+ versija, kas nozīmē, ka tas ir jaunākās paaudzes modelis ar uzlabotām funkcijām un veiktspēju. Tas nodrošina stabilu un uzticamu savienojumu ar Z-Wave ierīcēm, kā arī piedāvā plašu saderību ar dažādiem Z-Wave protokola ierīcēm.Lai izmantotu Aeotec Z-Stick, jums būs jāseko šādiem norādījumiem:1. Sākumā pieslēdziet kontrolieri pie USB pieslēgvietas vai izmantojiet to ar iekšējo bateriju. 2. Pēc tam, izmantojot atbilstošo programmatūru vai saderīgu Z-Wave ierīci, veiciet kontroliera pieslēgšanu Z-Wave tīklam. 3. Kad kontrolieris ir veiksmīgi pieslēgts, jūs varat sākt pievienot un kontrolēt dažādas Z-Wave ierīces, piemēram, gaismas, termostatus, durvju slēdzenes utt. 4. Lai pārvaldītu un konfigurētu Z-Wave tīklu, izmantojiet atbilstošo programmatūru vai saderīgu kontrolieri.Aeotec Z-Stick ir lielisks risinājums, ja vēlaties izveidot savu Z-Wave mājas automatizācijas sistēmu vai paplašināt esošo tīklu. Tas nodrošina vieglu un uzticamu savienojumu ar dažādām Z-Wave ierīcēm un piedāvā plašas iespējas tālākai konfigurācijai un pielāgošanai.

Aeotec Zi-Stick, USB coordinator for Zigbee 3.0 protocol (ZGA008)

The Aeotec Zi-Stick is a USB coordinator designed specifically for the Zigbee 3.0 protocol. This compact and versatile device allows you to easily connect and control various Zigbee-enabled devices from your computer or compatible smart home hub.With the Zi-Stick, you can effortlessly create a centralized network for your Zigbee devices, enabling seamless communication and coordination between them. It acts as a bridge between your computer or hub and the Zigbee devices, allowing you to monitor and control them with ease.The Zi-Stick offers a simple plug-and-play setup, requiring no complex installations or configurations. Simply connect it to an available USB port on your computer or hub, and you're ready to start integrating Zigbee devices into your smart home ecosystem.Featuring the Zigbee 3.0 protocol, the Zi-Stick ensures compatibility with a wide range of Zigbee devices from various manufacturers. This allows you to mix and match devices from different brands, giving you the freedom to choose the products that best suit your needs.The compact design of the Zi-Stick makes it highly portable, allowing you to easily move it between different devices or locations. Whether you want to control your Zigbee devices from your computer or a compatible smart home hub, the Zi-Stick offers the flexibility to do so.Overall, the Aeotec Zi-Stick is a reliable and efficient USB coordinator for the Zigbee 3.0 protocol. It provides a seamless and convenient way to integrate Zigbee devices into your smart home setup, offering enhanced control and automation capabilities.

Augsta sprieguma relejs (40A), Z-Wave SmartThings

Augsta sprieguma relejs (40A) ir Z-Wave SmartThings saderīgs produkts, kas paredzēts elektroenerģijas vadībai un kontrolei. Šis relejs ir paredzēts lietošanai augsta sprieguma elektrotīklos, un tas spēj izturēt līdz pat 40 amperiem.Relejs ir aprīkots ar Z-Wave tehnoloģiju, kas ļauj to integrēt ar citiem Z-Wave saderīgiem ierīcēm un sistēmām, piemēram, SmartThings. Tas nozīmē, ka jūs varat kontrolēt un pārvaldīt šo releju no jebkuras vietas, izmantojot savu SmartThings lietotni vai citu Z-Wave saderīgu ierīci.Lietojot šo releju, jūs varat viegli ieslēgt vai izslēgt elektroenerģiju, kas plūst caur tā pieslēgumiem. Tas ir noderīgs, ja vēlaties attālināti kontrolēt dažādas ierīces vai apgaismojumu, kas ir pieslēgts pie šī releja. Tas var būt ērti, piemēram, ja vēlaties ieslēgt apkures sistēmu pirms ierodas mājās vai izslēgt elektroierīces, kad tās nav vajadzīgas.Šis augsta sprieguma relejs ir drošs un uzticams produkts, kas atbilst visiem attiecīgajiem drošības standartiem. Tas ir viegli uzstādāms un konfigurējams, un tam ir ilga kalpošanas ilgums. Tāpat tas ir kompaktā izmērā, kas ļauj to viegli ievietot jebkurā elektroinstalācijā.Kopumā, Augsta sprieguma relejs (40A), Z-Wave SmartThings ir praktisks un moderns produkts, kas ļauj jums kontrolēt elektroenerģiju no jebkuras vietas, nodrošinot ērtību un enerģijas efektivitāti.