Showing 37–48 of 53 results

SONOFF NSPanel Pro smart home control panel (with Zigbee and eWeLink-Remote Bluetooth hub), with dim

Sonoff NSPanel Pro, released in Q1 2023, is a smart home control panel with touch screen, with embedded Zigbee +

SONOFF NSPanel Pro smart home control panel (with Zigbee and eWeLink-Remote Bluetooth hub), with whi

Sonoff NSPanel Pro, released in Q1 2023, is a smart home control panel with touch screen, with embedded Zigbee +

Sonoff RF Bridge 433 MHz RF-WiFi bridge / gateway (eWeLink-compatible) (R2)

The Sonoff RF Bridge 433 MHz RF-WiFi bridge/gateway (R2) is a versatile device that allows you to integrate your existing 433 MHz RF devices into your smart home ecosystem. With its eWeLink compatibility, it seamlessly connects to your WiFi network, enabling you to control and monitor your RF devices remotely using your smartphone or voice assistants like Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant.This RF bridge acts as a translator between your RF devices and your WiFi network, providing a convenient way to manage and automate your home appliances, lighting systems, security sensors, and more. It supports a wide range of 433 MHz RF devices, including remote controls, door/window sensors, PIR motion sensors, smoke detectors, and temperature/humidity sensors.Setting up the Sonoff RF Bridge is straightforward. Simply connect it to your WiFi network using the eWeLink app, and then pair your RF devices with the bridge. Once paired, you can control and monitor these devices individually or create custom scenes and automation routines to suit your needs. For example, you can schedule your lights to turn on/off at specific times, receive notifications when a door/window is opened, or trigger an alarm when motion is detected.The Sonoff RF Bridge also offers advanced features such as RF signal learning, which allows you to capture and replicate the signals of your existing RF remotes. This feature is particularly useful if you want to consolidate multiple remotes into a single app or if you need to replace a lost or damaged remote.With its compact and sleek design, the Sonoff RF Bridge can be easily placed anywhere in your home without being obtrusive. Its compatibility with eWeLink ensures seamless integration with other Sonoff smart devices, allowing you to create a comprehensive smart home ecosystem.Upgrade your home automation system with the Sonoff RF Bridge 433 MHz RF-WiFi bridge/gateway (R2) and enjoy the convenience and control it brings to your RF devices.

SONOFF Zigbee Bridge – smart Zigbee-WiFi Bridge for eWeLink

SONOFF Zigbee Bridge ir gudrs Zigbee-WiFi tilts, kas ir paredzēts darbam ar eWeLink platformu. Šis tilts nodrošina savienojumu starp Zigbee un WiFi tīkliem, ļaujot jums kontrolēt un pārvaldīt dažādus Zigbee ierīces no jebkuras vietas, izmantojot eWeLink lietotni.Šis tilts ir ļoti viegli uzstādāms un lietojams. Pirmkārt, jums būs jāpieslēdz tilts pie jūsu WiFi tīkla, izmantojot eWeLink lietotni. Pēc tam jūs varat sākt pievienot un pārvaldīt savas Zigbee ierīces, piemēram, gaismas, sensorus vai slēdzenes, izmantojot šo tiltu.Ar eWeLink lietotnes palīdzību jūs varat izveidot automatizācijas un scenārijus, lai kontrolētu savas Zigbee ierīces atbilstoši jūsu vajadzībām. Piemēram, jūs varat iestatīt gaismas ieslēgšanos, kad sensors atklāj kustību vai izveidot laika grafiku, kad noteiktas ierīces ir jāieslēdz vai jāizslēdz.SONOFF Zigbee Bridge ir lielisks risinājums, ja jums ir dažādas Zigbee ierīces un vēlaties tos kontrolēt no vienas vietas. Tas nodrošina ērtu un vienkāršu veidu, kā pārvaldīt savu mājas automatizāciju un padarīt savu dzīvi vēl ērtāku.

SONOFF Zigbee Bridge Pro – smart Zigbee-WiFi Bridge for eWeLink, with local/offline scenes

Sonoff Zigbee Bridge PRO (ZBBridge-P),Sonoff’s 2022 new product, is a bridge or gateway between Zigbee protocol smart devices (relays and

Tuya ZigBee 3.0 Ethernet Gateway Central Station

ZigBee 3.0 Tuya Smart Life switchboard The latest generation ZigBee 3.0 protocol together with the Tuya Smart application allows you

TUYA ZigBee 3.0 WiFi sadales paneļa vārteja

Mini ZigBee 3.0 baltā WiFi vārteja TUYA Jūsu mājas vieds pārvaldības centrs, kas vienlaikus var izveidot savienojumu ar līdz pat 50 ZigBee

USB adapteris

230 V uz USB barošanas avotu/adapteri! Šī kompaktā ierīce ļaus jums ērti ērti pārveidot standarta 230 V no strāvas kontaktligzdas par USB.

USB Zigbee atkārtotājs

ZigBee signāla pastiprinātājs TUYA un Smart Life Gateways Šī ierīce pastiprina TUYA vai Smart Life ZigBee 3.0 vārteju signālu, un

Viedās mājas Zigbee rumbas C tips

. OXT radara klātbūtnes un spilgtuma sensors USB-C ZigBee TUYA Sensoram ir Doplera radars, kas darbojas, aktīvi pārbaudot apkārtni, lai

Wi-Fi, ZigBee iHost Smart Home Hub AIBridge, 2GB RAM Sonoff

Introducing the Sonoff iHost Smart Home Hub AIBridge—a seamless integration hub designed to elevate your smart home experience. With its



Tīkla interfeiss: WiFi — 2,4 GHz IEEE 802.11 b/g/n, RF ; Barošanas avots: 5 V DC / 500 mA ; Krāsa: Balta;