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Rozetes modulis ar energomonitoringu iSquare Wi-Fi
"iSquare Wi-Fi ir rozetes modulis, kas ir aprīkots ar energomonitoringu funkciju. Tas ir moderns un praktisks ierīce, kas ļauj kontrolēt un pārvaldīt enerģijas patēriņu mājās vai birojā.nnŠis iSquare Wi-Fi modulis ir aprīkots ar Wi-Fi savienojumu, kas ļauj to viegli integrēt jebkurā mājas vai biroja tīklā. Tas nozīmē, ka varat kontrolēt un pārvaldīt savu enerģijas patēriņu no jebkuras vietas, izmantojot savu viedtālruni vai citu savienoto ierīci.nnViena no galvenajām iSquare Wi-Fi moduļa funkcijām ir energomonitorings. Tas ļauj jums precīzi izsekot un analizēt enerģijas patēriņu dažādos elektriskajos ierīcēs, kas ir pieslēgtas pie šīs rozetes. Tas ir ļoti noderīgi, lai saprastu, kuras ierīces patērē visvairāk enerģijas un kā varētu samazināt enerģijas izmaksas.nnTurklāt, iSquare Wi-Fi modulis ir arī ļoti viegli lietojams. To var viegli uzstādīt un konfigurēt, izmantojot speciālu mobilās lietotnes interfeisu. Lietotne piedāvā dažādas funkcijas, piemēram, laika grafikus, lai iestatītu ierīces darbību noteiktos laika intervālos vai patēriņa monitoringu reālā laikā.nnKopumā iSquare Wi-Fi modulis ir lielisks produkts, kas palīdzēs jums kontrolēt un optimizēt enerģijas patēriņu savā mājā vai birojā. Tas ir moderns, praktisks un viegli lietojams, nodrošinot jums pilnīgu kontroli pār jūsu enerģijas izmaksām."
Rozetes modulis iSquare Wi-Fi
Rozetes modulis iSquare Wi-Fi ir moderns un praktisks produkts, kas piedāvā daudzpusīgas funkcijas un ērtu lietošanu. Šis iSquare Wi-Fi modulis ir paredzēts, lai paplašinātu jūsu mājas vai biroja elektrisko tīklu un nodrošinātu piekļuvi Wi-Fi internetam.
Ar šo rozetes moduli jūs varat viegli kontrolēt savus elektriskos ierīces no jebkuras vietas, izmantojot savu viedtālruni vai planšetdatoru. Tas nodrošina iespēju ieslēgt vai izslēgt ierīces, kā arī regulēt to darbību, izmantojot speciālu mobilās aplikācijas interfeisu.
Viena no galvenajām iSquare Wi-Fi moduļa priekšrocībām ir tā spēja nodrošināt stabilu un ātru Wi-Fi signālu. Tas ir īpaši noderīgi, ja jums ir telpas, kurās Wi-Fi signāls ir vājš vai nepietiekams. Modulis darbojas kā Wi-Fi pastiprinātājs, kas nodrošina plašāku signāla pārklājumu un uzlabo interneta savienojumu.
Turklāt, iSquare Wi-Fi modulis ir aprīkots ar laika plānošanas funkciju, kas ļauj jums iestatīt ierīces darbību noteiktos laika intervālos. Tas ir ļoti noderīgi, ja vēlaties, lai ierīces automātiski ieslēgtos vai izslēgtos noteiktos laikos, piemēram, lai ietaupītu enerģiju vai nodrošinātu drošību.
Šis rozetes modulis ir arī viegli uzstādāms un lietojams. Tas ir kompakts un izturīgs, un tam ir vienkāršs un intuitīvs lietotāja interfeiss. Jums tikai jāpārnes modulis uz vēlamo elektrisko rozeti, jāpieslēdz to pie Wi-Fi tīkla, un jūs varat sākt izmantot visas tā funkcijas.
Kopumā, Rozetes modulis iSquare Wi-Fi ir lielisks produkts, kas piedāvā daudz priekšrocību un ērtības. Tas nodrošina stabilu Wi-Fi signālu, ļauj kontrolēt ierīces attālināti, un ir viegli uzstādāms un lietojams. Ja jums ir nepieciešams paplašināt savu elektrisko tīklu un nodrošināt piekļuvi Wi-Fi internetam, šis produkts ir ideāls risinājums.
Rozetes modulis iSquare Wi-Fi
"Rozetes modulis iSquare Wi-Fi" ir produkts, kas ļauj jums paplašināt jūsu mājas Wi-Fi tīklu, izmantojot rozetes. Šis modulis ir aprīkots ar iebūvētu Wi-Fi funkcionalitāti, kas ļauj jums piekļūt internetam no jebkuras rozetes savā mājā. Tas ir ērts un vienkāršs veids, kā uzlabot jūsu mājas Wi-Fi signālu, nodrošinot stabilu un ātru interneta savienojumu visās telpās. Ar "Rozetes moduli iSquare Wi-Fi" jūs varēsiet baudīt beztraucētu interneta pieslēgumu visā savā mājā.
Shelly 120A Current Transformer (for Shelly EM)
The Shelly 120A Current Transformer (for Shelly EM) is a high-quality and reliable device designed to accurately measure electrical current. This current transformer is specifically designed to be used with the Shelly EM energy monitoring system.
With a maximum current rating of 120A, this current transformer is capable of accurately measuring high currents in residential and commercial electrical systems. It is an essential component for monitoring and managing energy consumption, allowing users to track and analyze their electricity usage.
The Shelly 120A Current Transformer is built with precision and durability in mind. It features a robust construction that ensures long-lasting performance even in demanding environments. The transformer is designed to provide accurate readings with minimal errors, ensuring precise energy monitoring.
Installation of the Shelly 120A Current Transformer is straightforward and hassle-free. It can be easily connected to the Shelly EM energy monitoring system, allowing for seamless integration and operation. The compact size of the current transformer makes it easy to install in various electrical setups.
Overall, the Shelly 120A Current Transformer (for Shelly EM) is a reliable and efficient device that enables accurate measurement of electrical current. It is an essential tool for energy monitoring and management, providing users with valuable insights into their electricity usage.
Shelly 3EM professional 3-phase energy meter with contactor control
The Shelly 3EM professional 3-phase energy meter with contactor control is a highly advanced and efficient device designed for accurate measurement and control of energy consumption in 3-phase electrical systems. This energy meter is specifically built for professional use, offering precise monitoring and management of electricity usage.
With its contactor control feature, the Shelly 3EM allows users to remotely control the power supply to their electrical equipment. This enables efficient energy management by allowing users to turn on or off specific devices or circuits as needed, reducing unnecessary power consumption and optimizing energy usage.
Equipped with advanced technology, the Shelly 3EM provides real-time energy consumption data, allowing users to monitor their electricity usage and make informed decisions to reduce energy waste and save costs. The device offers comprehensive energy measurement capabilities, including voltage, current, power factor, and energy consumption, ensuring accurate and reliable data for analysis and monitoring.
The Shelly 3EM is designed to be user-friendly and easily integrated into existing electrical systems. It supports wireless connectivity, enabling seamless communication with other smart devices and home automation systems. The device can be conveniently controlled and monitored through a dedicated mobile application, providing users with remote access and control over their energy consumption.
In summary, the Shelly 3EM professional 3-phase energy meter with contactor control is a cutting-edge solution for efficient energy management in 3-phase electrical systems. With its accurate measurement capabilities, remote control functionality, and user-friendly interface, this device empowers users to optimize their energy usage, reduce costs, and contribute to a more sustainable future.
Shelly 50A Current Transformer (for Shelly EM)
The Shelly 50A Current Transformer (for Shelly EM) is a high-quality and reliable device designed to accurately measure electrical current. This current transformer is specifically designed to be used with the Shelly EM energy monitoring system.
With a maximum current rating of 50A, this current transformer is capable of accurately measuring the flow of electricity in residential and commercial applications. It is an essential component for monitoring and managing energy consumption.
The Shelly 50A Current Transformer is built with precision and durability in mind. It is constructed using high-quality materials to ensure long-lasting performance and accurate readings. The transformer is designed to be easily installed and integrated into existing electrical systems.
This current transformer is compatible with the Shelly EM energy monitoring system, allowing users to track and analyze their energy usage in real-time. By connecting the current transformer to the Shelly EM, users can gain valuable insights into their energy consumption patterns and make informed decisions to optimize energy efficiency.
Overall, the Shelly 50A Current Transformer (for Shelly EM) is a reliable and efficient device that provides accurate measurements of electrical current. It is an essential tool for anyone looking to monitor and manage their energy consumption effectively.
Shelly Bypass R2 (accessory to Shelly 1L and Shelly Dimmer 2)
The Shelly Bypass R2 is an accessory designed to be used in conjunction with the Shelly 1L and Shelly Dimmer 2 devices. This bypass is specifically created to address the issue of minimum load requirements for certain types of light bulbs or fixtures.
By connecting the Shelly Bypass R2 in parallel with the load, it allows the Shelly 1L or Shelly Dimmer 2 to function properly even when the connected load is below the minimum threshold. This ensures that the devices can effectively control and regulate the connected lights or fixtures, regardless of their power consumption.
The Shelly Bypass R2 is a compact and easy-to-install accessory that seamlessly integrates with the Shelly 1L and Shelly Dimmer 2. It provides a reliable solution for users who encounter compatibility issues with low-power loads, enabling them to fully utilize the capabilities of their Shelly devices.
With the Shelly Bypass R2, users can confidently control their lights or fixtures without worrying about minimum load requirements. It enhances the functionality and versatility of the Shelly 1L and Shelly Dimmer 2, making it an essential accessory for anyone seeking to optimize their smart lighting setup.
Shelly Dimmer 2 ar L līnijas atbalstu Wi-Fi
Shelly Dimmer 2 ir ievērojams produkts, kas piedāvā Wi-Fi atbalstu un ir paredzēts L līnijas uzstādījumiem. Šis produkts ir izstrādāts, lai nodrošinātu efektīvu gaismas regulēšanu un uzlabotu mājas automatizācijas iespējas.
Shelly Dimmer 2 ir aprīkots ar viedās tehnoloģijas funkcijām, kas ļauj lietotājiem kontrolēt gaismas intensitāti un pielāgot to saskaņā ar savām vēlmēm un vajadzībām. Tas nodrošina iespēju izveidot dažādus gaismas scenārijus un pielāgot tos atbilstoši konkrētajai situācijai vai noskaņai.
Viena no galvenajām Shelly Dimmer 2 priekšrocībām ir tās viegla uzstādīšana un integrācija ar esošo Wi-Fi tīklu. Tas nozīmē, ka nav nepieciešams sarežģīts vadu izvietojums vai papildu infrastruktūras izveide. Lietotāji var viegli savienot Shelly Dimmer 2 ar savu Wi-Fi tīklu, izmantojot vienkāršu un intuitīvu lietotāja saskarni.
Turklāt Shelly Dimmer 2 ir aprīkots ar L līnijas atbalstu, kas nodrošina drošu un uzticamu darbību. Tas ir svarīgi, lai novērstu jebkādas elektroenerģijas traucējumus vai bojājumus. Šis produkts ir izstrādāts, lai nodrošinātu ilgstošu un stabīlu darbību, tādējādi garantējot lietotājiem mieru un drošību.
Kopumā Shelly Dimmer 2 ir izcilas kvalitātes produkts, kas piedāvā lietotājiem iespēju kontrolēt gaismas intensitāti un pielāgot to saskaņā ar savām vēlmēm. Ar tā vieglo uzstādīšanu un Wi-Fi atbalstu, tas ir ideāls risinājums mājas automatizācijai un gaismas regulēšanai. Shelly Dimmer 2 ir uzticams un drošs produkts, kas nodrošina ilgstošu darbību un lietotāju apmierinātību.
Shelly Door / Window 2 sensor (with temperature and lux sensor)
Shelly EM single phase energy meter with contactor control
The Shelly EM single phase energy meter with contactor control is a highly efficient and reliable device designed to accurately measure and monitor energy consumption in single-phase electrical systems. This energy meter is equipped with advanced technology that allows for precise measurement of electricity usage, enabling users to effectively manage and optimize their energy consumption.
With its contactor control feature, the Shelly EM energy meter provides users with the ability to remotely control the power supply to connected devices or appliances. This allows for convenient and efficient management of energy usage, enabling users to easily turn on or off electrical equipment as needed, thereby reducing unnecessary energy consumption and promoting energy efficiency.
The Shelly EM energy meter is designed to be user-friendly and easy to install. It can be seamlessly integrated into existing electrical systems, making it suitable for both residential and commercial applications. The device is compact in size, ensuring it can be conveniently installed in various locations without taking up excessive space.
Furthermore, the Shelly EM energy meter is equipped with wireless connectivity capabilities, enabling users to remotely monitor and control energy consumption through a dedicated mobile application or web interface. This feature provides real-time data and insights into energy usage patterns, allowing users to make informed decisions regarding energy management and conservation.
Overall, the Shelly EM single phase energy meter with contactor control is a versatile and efficient solution for accurately measuring energy consumption and effectively managing electrical systems. With its advanced features and user-friendly design, this energy meter is an ideal choice for individuals and businesses looking to optimize energy usage and reduce costs.
Shelly Flood WiFi flood sensor with temperature measurement
Shelly GAS pievienošanas manipulators
Shelly GAS AddOn Manipulator ir praktisks ierīce, kas ļauj kontrolēt un manipulēt gāzes piegādi. Šī ierīce ir ideāla izvēle, ja vēlaties uzlabot savu gāzes sistēmas efektivitāti un drošību. Ar Shelly GAS AddOn Manipulatoru jūs varat viegli regulēt gāzes plūsmu un nodrošināt precīzu un drošu gāzes piegādi. Tas ir vienkārši lietojams un viegli uzstādāms, tāpēc jūs varat ātri sākt izmantot šo ierīci. Uzlabojiet savu gāzes sistēmu ar Shelly GAS AddOn Manipulatoru un baudiet drošu un efektīvu gāzes piegādi.