Showing 37–43 of 43 results

SONOFF R5 SwithMan Bluetooth (eWeLink-Remote) wireless switch

The SONOFF R5 SwithMan Bluetooth (eWeLink-Remote) wireless switch is a versatile and convenient device that allows you to control your electrical appliances and scenes effortlessly. With its Bluetooth connectivity, you can easily connect it to your smartphone and use the eWeLink-Remote app to remotely control your devices. Whether you need to turn on/off lights, fans, or any other appliances, this switch provides a seamless and efficient solution. Additionally, it can also function as a scene controller switch, allowing you to create customized scenes and automate your home. Upgrade your home automation system with the SONOFF R5 SwithMan Bluetooth wireless switch and experience the convenience it brings.

SONOFF R5 SwithMan Bluetooth (eWeLink-Remote) wireless switch, scene controller switch white

The SONOFF R5 SwithMan Bluetooth (eWeLink-Remote) wireless switch is a versatile and convenient scene controller switch in a sleek white design. With its Bluetooth connectivity, you can easily control your devices remotely using the eWeLink app. This wireless switch is perfect for creating smart home automation scenes and effortlessly managing your connected devices. Upgrade your home automation system with the SONOFF R5 SwithMan Bluetooth wireless switch and enjoy seamless control and convenience.

Sonoff S-MATE – eWeLink-Remote (Bluetooth) compatible wireless switch module

The Sonoff S-MATE is a versatile wireless switch module that is compatible with eWeLink-Remote (Bluetooth) technology. This compact and easy-to-use device allows you to control various electrical appliances remotely, providing convenience and flexibility in managing your home or office.With the Sonoff S-MATE, you can effortlessly turn on or off any connected device using your smartphone or tablet. Simply connect the module to your desired appliance, and through the eWeLink-Remote app, you can control its power status from anywhere within the Bluetooth range. This eliminates the need to physically interact with the switch, making it ideal for situations where accessibility is limited or when you simply want to automate your devices.The module's compatibility with eWeLink-Remote ensures a seamless and user-friendly experience. The app offers a range of features, including scheduling, timers, and voice control, allowing you to customize and automate your devices according to your preferences. Whether you want to schedule your lights to turn on at a specific time or control your appliances with voice commands, the Sonoff S-MATE and eWeLink-Remote have got you covered.Installation of the Sonoff S-MATE is straightforward, requiring minimal technical expertise. The module is designed to be compact and discreet, allowing it to fit seamlessly into your existing electrical setup. Its wireless functionality eliminates the need for complex wiring, making it a hassle-free solution for anyone looking to upgrade their home automation system.In summary, the Sonoff S-MATE - eWeLink-Remote compatible wireless switch module offers a convenient and efficient way to control your electrical appliances remotely. With its Bluetooth compatibility, user-friendly app, and easy installation process, this device is a must-have for anyone seeking to enhance their home automation experience.

Sonoff TX Ultimate T5 EU 1C 1-gang smart WiFi + eWeLink-Remote (Bluetooth) wall touch light switch

The Sonoff TX Ultimate T5 EU is a smart light switch that supports Wi-Fi and eWeLink-Remote protocols. It features a full surface touch switch, allowing you to turn on/off the light with a simple touch anywhere on the panel. The switch can be controlled remotely from a mobile phone via the internet and supports scheduled ON/OFF, timer, and loop controlled ON/OFF functions. It also has a replaceable touch front panel and a LED strip that can be customized for various functions such as showing ON/OFF status, ambient/mood lighting, and night light. The switch is available in one, two, and three circuit/touch button versions. It can be paired with the eWeLink smart home system and is compatible with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Google Nest for voice control. Additionally, it can be remotely controlled from Sonoff Bluetooth wireless devices. The Sonoff TX Ultimate T5 EU is a versatile and convenient solution for smart control of any lamp or lighting.

Sonoff TX Ultimate T5 EU 2C 2-gang smart WiFi + eWeLink-Remote (Bluetooth) wall touch light switch

The Sonoff TX Ultimate T5 EU is a smart light switch that supports Wi-Fi and eWeLink-Remote protocols. It features a full surface touch switch, allowing you to turn on/off the light with a simple touch anywhere on the panel. The switch can be controlled remotely from a mobile phone via the internet and supports scheduled ON/OFF, timer, and loop controlled ON/OFF functions. It also has a replaceable touch front panel and a LED strip that can be customized for various functions such as showing ON/OFF status, ambient/mood lighting, and night light. The switch is available in one, two, and three circuit/touch button versions. It can be paired with the eWeLink smart home system and is compatible with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Google Nest for voice control. Additionally, it can be remotely controlled from Sonoff Bluetooth wireless devices. The Sonoff TX Ultimate T5 EU is a versatile and convenient solution for smart control of any lamp or lighting.

Sonoff TX Ultimate T5 EU 3C 3-gang smart WiFi + eWeLink-Remote (Bluetooth) wall touch light switch

The Sonoff TX Ultimate T5 EU is a smart light switch that supports Wi-Fi and eWeLink-Remote protocols. It features a full surface touch switch, allowing you to turn on/off the light with a simple touch anywhere on the panel. The switch can be controlled remotely from a mobile phone via the internet and supports scheduled ON/OFF, timer, and loop controlled ON/OFF functions. It also has a replaceable touch front panel and a LED strip that can be customized for various functions such as showing ON/OFF status, ambient/mood lighting, and night light. The switch is available in one, two, and three circuit/touch button versions. It can be paired with the eWeLink smart home system and is compatible with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Google Nest for voice control. Additionally, it can be remotely controlled from Sonoff Bluetooth wireless devices. The Sonoff TX Ultimate T5 EU is a versatile and convenient solution for smart control of any lamp or lighting.

Viedie svari ar 13 ķermeņa mērīšanas funkcijām

Šis produkts ir aprīkots ar 13 ķermeņa mērīšanas funkcijām, kas padara to par ideālu ierīci veselības aprūpes un fitnesa mērķiem. Ar šo produktu jūs varat veikt dažādas mērīšanas, lai iegūtu svarīgu informāciju par savu ķermeni.Pirmkārt, šis produkts spēj mērīt jūsu svaru. Tas ir ļoti precīzs un nodrošina uzticamus rezultātus. Jūs varat viegli sekot līdzi svara izmaiņām un noteikt, vai jūsu svara mērķi tiek sasniegti.Turklāt, šis produkts spēj mērīt jūsu ķermeņa tauku procentuālo daudzumu. Tas ir ļoti noderīgi, ja jūs vēlaties kontrolēt savu svara zudumu vai muskuļu masas palielināšanos. Jūs varat noteikt, vai jūsu treniņu programma ir efektīva un vai jūs sasniedzat savus fitnesa mērķus.Turklāt, šis produkts spēj mērīt jūsu ķermeņa ūdens daudzumu. Ūdens ir būtisks elements veselībai, un tas ir svarīgi zināt, vai jūs pietiekami hidratējat savu ķermeni. Šī funkcija palīdzēs jums uzturēt pareizu hidratācijas līmeni un uzlabot savu veselību.Turklāt, šis produkts spēj mērīt jūsu ķermeņa muskuļu masu. Tas ir ļoti noderīgi, ja jūs vēlaties palielināt savu muskuļu masu vai uzlabot savu fizisko veiktspēju. Jūs varat sekot līdzi savai progresam un pielāgot savu treniņu programmu, lai sasniegtu labākus rezultātus.Šis produkts arī spēj mērīt jūsu ķermeņa kaulu masu. Tas ir svarīgi, lai uzzinātu par savu kaulu veselību un novērstu iespējamās problēmas. Jūs varat noteikt, vai jūsu kaulu masa ir normāla un veikt pasākumus, ja ir nepieciešams.Turklāt, šis produkts spēj mērīt jūsu ķermeņa vielmaiņas vecumu. Tas ir ļoti interesants rādītājs, kas palīdzēs jums saprast, cik labi darbojas jūsu vielmaiņa. Jūs varat noteikt, vai jums ir nepieciešams veikt izmaiņas savā dzīvesveidā, lai uzlabotu vielmaiņu un saglabātu labu veselību.Turklāt, šis produkts spēj mērīt jūsu ķermeņa masas indeksu (BMI). Tas ir svarīgs rādītājs, kas palīdzēs jums noteikt, vai jūsu svars ir veselīgā diapazonā. Jūs varat sekot līdzi savam BMI un veikt pasākumus, ja tas ir nepieciešams, lai saglabātu labu veselību.Šis produkts arī spēj mērīt jūsu ķermeņa temperatūru. Tas ir noderīgi, ja jums ir auksts vai gripa, vai arī, ja jūs vēlaties sekot līdzi