Showing 3529–3540 of 4823 results

SmartWise B2L-NFP 2-gang eWeLink smart WiFi + RF wall switch with physical button (single-live-wire, works without neutral) (without front panel)

The SmartWise B2LW smart light switch is a versatile and convenient option for replacing traditional EU switches. It works without a neutral wire, only requiring a live wire input. With built-in WiFi and RF receiver chips, it can be paired with wireless RF switches for two-way switching. The switch is compatible with the eWeLink app, allowing for remote control, scheduling, and automation. It features physical push buttons and can be controlled remotely from the app or manually on the wall. The switch also has a small LED indicator for on/off status and can be shared with family members for remote access. It is a reliable and efficient solution for smart control of lights and other electric devices.

SmartWise B2L-ZB-NFP 2-gang Zigbee 3.0 smart wall switch with physical buttons (single-live-wire) (without front panel)

The SmartWise B2-L-ZB smart light switch is a 2-gang version that uses the Zigbee smart home protocol for network communication. It requires a Zigbee gateway, such as the Sonoff Zigbee Bridge or SmartWise Zigbee Bridge Pro, for smart control. This switch features physical push buttons instead of a touch switch, providing the convenience of blindly switching without having to look at it.The B2-L-ZB version is designed to replace European traditional switches and only requires a live (phase) wire to work, eliminating the need for a neutral wire. It is compatible with various Zigbee gateways, including Sonoff, SmartWise, Tuya/SmartLife, and SmartThings.With its built-in Zigbee chip, this switch allows for remote control, scheduling, and automation of lights. It also offers a security solution by providing presence simulation to make it appear as if someone is home. The on/off status is indicated by a small white/green LED on the switch, making it easy to locate in the dark.Key features of the SmartWise B2-L-ZB smart light switch include a physical switch button, compatibility with Zigbee 3.0 devices, status query through a mobile app, remote on/off control, timing functions, and compatibility with various Zigbee bridge capabilities. It does not support inching or interlock mode when used with eWeLink compatible Zigbee Bridges. Additional features such as sharing, groups/rooms, and automations depend on the capabilities of the connected Zigbee Bridge.This smart switch is easy to install and comes with an anti-flickering module. It offers a convenient and efficient way to control and automate your lights using the Zigbee smart home protocol.

SmartWise B2LN-NFP 2-gang eWeLink gudrais WiFi + RF sienas slēdzis ar fizisko pogu (bez priekšējā paneļa)

SmartWise BW gudro slēdžu produktu līnija piedāvā gudros slēdžus ar WiFi + RF iespējām, kas ir saderīgi ar Sonoff un citiem eWeLink lietotnes produktiem, bet atšķiras ar fiziskām pogām, nevis pieskāriena slēdzi.Ja meklējat gudru slēdzi, kas piedāvā ērtību slēgt to aklām, izjūtot slēdzi un pats slēdzis, nevis skatoties uz to, bet tāpat kā citi gudrie slēdži, varat attālināti kontrolēt, plānot un automatizēt tāpat kā Sonoff gudrie slēdži, šis produkts ir pareizais izvēle jums.SmartWise BW produktu līnija piedāvā vienas, divu un trīs pogu gudros gaismas slēdžus, kas, tāpat kā Sonoff TX gudrie slēdži, tieši savienojas ar eWeLink mākoņa sistēmu, izmantojot WiFi rūtera interneta savienojumu. Tie izmanto populāro eWeLink lietotni attālinātai kontrolei un automatizācijai, tāpat kā Sonoff gudrie ierīces.Aprīkoti ar 433 MHz RF uztvērēju, to var attālināti ieslēgt no Sonoff RF tālvadības pultiem un no baterijas darbināmiem SmartWise BWRF RF sienas slēdžiem, kas izskatās identiski kā gudrie slēdži un var tikt izmantoti bezvadu 2-virzienu un 3-virzienu (uc.) slēdzenēšanai.Šī ir divu pogu, WiFi + RF gudrā gaismas slēdža versija, kas prasa dzīvo un nulles vadu.Tāpat kā Sonoff gaismas slēdži, to var attālināti kontrolēt no eWeLink lietotnes, kas darbojas uz iOS (Apple) un Android mobilo telefonu ar interneta savienojumu, ļaujot jums attālināti kontrolēt gaismas slēdzi un iestatīt plānotu ieslēgšanu / izslēgšanu. Ar fiziskās pogas palīdzību mēs protams varam ieslēgt lampu uz sienas, tāpat kā ar tradicionālo pieskāriena slēdzi.Ieslēgšanas / izslēgšanas statusu arī norāda mazs baltas / zaļas krāsas LED uz slēdža, tāpēc pat ja slēdzis ir uzstādīts ārpus telpām, mums ir atgriezeniskā saite par slēdža ieslēgšanu / izslēgšanu, un mēs viegli varam atrast slēdzi tumsā, izmantojot mazo LED.eWeLink lietotnē ir iespējams arī kopīgot attālinātās piekļuves iespēju ar ģimenes locekļiem. Tas ir lielisks risinājums gudrai kontrolei pār jebkādām gaismām vai citām elektriskajām ierīcēm. To izmantojot, jūs ērti varat attālināti ieslēgt vai izslēgt vēlamo gaismu pat tad, ja neesat mājās. To var izmantot arī kā drošības risinājumu, lai radītu klātbūtnes simulāciju, proti, lai ārējais pasaule ticētu

SmartWise B2LN-ZB-NFP 2-gang Zigbee 3.0 gudrais sienas slēdzis ar fiziskām pogām (bez priekšējā paneļa)

Šis ir SmartWise jaunākais gudrās gaismas slēdžu produktu klāsts, kas izmanto populāro Zigbee gudro mājas protokolu tīkla komunikācijai, nevis WiFi, tāpēc gudrai kontrolei ir nepieciešams Zigbee vārteja. Lietojot to kopā ar Sonoff Zigbee Bridge vai SmartWise Zigbee Bridge Pro, tas ir saderīgs ar eWeLink lietotni un ir aprīkots ar fiziskām pogām, nevis pieskāriena slēdzi.Ja jūs meklējat gudru slēdzi, kas piedāvā ērtības, piemēram, slēgšanu bez skatīšanās, slēdzi var just un slēgšanu bez nepieciešamības to apskatīt, bet tāpat kā citus gudros slēdžus, jūs varat to attālināti kontrolēt, ieplānot un automatizēt, šis produkts ir pareizā izvēle jums.B2-LN-ZB versija ir 2-gangu versija ar fizisku slēdzi. Gan fāzes, gan nulles vads ir nepieciešams, lai LN versija darbotos.Pateicoties iebūvētajam Zigbee čipam, to var pieslēgt Sonoff vai SmartWise Zigbee vārtejai, un tas ir arī pārbaudīts, vai tas ir saderīgs ar Tuya / SmartLife un SmartThings Zigbee vārtejām.Protams, jūs varat izmantot sienas slēdzi, lai ieslēgtu vai izslēgtu lampu tāpat kā ar parastu slēdzi. Bet tas ir arī lielisks risinājums Zigbee pamatotai gudrai kontrolei jebkurai gaismai, lai attālināti kontrolētu gaismas, iestatītu automatizācijas un ieplānotu ieslēgšanu / izslēgšanu. To var izmantot arī kā drošības risinājumu, lai radītu klātbūtnes simulāciju, tas ir, lai ārpasauli pārliecinātu, ka jūs esat mājās.Ieslēgšanas / izslēgšanas statusu norāda arī mazs baltas / zaļas LED uz slēdža, tāpēc pat ja slēdzis ir uzstādīts ārpus telpām, mums ir atgriezeniskā saite par slēdža ieslēgšanas / izslēgšanas statusu, un mēs viegli varam atrast slēdzi tumsā, izmantojot mazo LED.Produkta īpašības: - Fiziska slēdža poga - Mazā baltā statusa LED rāda, ka slēdzis ir IZSLĒGTS, bet zaļā LED nozīmē, ka slēdzis ir IESLĒGTS. - Izmērs atbilst ES standartam: 86x86 mm slēdža priekšējā daļa, kas ir izmērs atbilstoši ES standartam. - Zigbee 3.0 slēdzis - saderīgs ar Sonoff un SmartWise Zigbee vārtēm, Tuya un SmartLife saderīgām Zigbee vārtām un SmartThings centralei. To var pieslēgt Zigbee vārtas pašu viedtālruņa lietotnei. Gadījumā, ja tas tiek savienots ar eWeLink Zigbee vārtu, to var saderināt ar eWeLink lietotni. - Statusa vaicājums - mobilā lietotne parāda

SmartWise B3L-ZB-NFP 3-gang Zigbee 3.0 smart wall switch with physical buttons (single-live-wire) (without front panel)

This product is a 3-gang smart light switch that uses the Zigbee smart home protocol for network communication. It requires a Zigbee gateway, such as the Sonoff Zigbee Bridge or SmartWise Zigbee Bridge Pro, for smart control. The switch features physical push buttons instead of a touch switch, allowing for convenient blind switching. It can be remotely controlled, scheduled, and automated using the eWeLink app when used with the compatible Zigbee bridges. The switch is designed to replace European traditional switches and only requires a live (phase) wire to work, eliminating the need for a neutral wire. It is compatible with various Zigbee gateways, including Tuya/SmartLife and SmartThings. The switch has a built-in Zigbee chip and can be used for smart control of lights, offering features such as remote control, automation, and scheduled on/off switching. It also has a small white/green LED to indicate the on/off status and can be used for presence simulation. The switch is designed according to EU standards and has a size of 86x86mm. It supports status query, remote on/off control, and timing functions. Additional features such as sharing, groups/rooms, and automations depend on the capabilities of the connected Zigbee Bridge. The switch comes with an anti-flickering module and does not require a neutral wire.

SmartWise B3LN-NFP 3-gang eWeLink smart WiFi + RF wall switch with physical button (without front panel)

The SmartWise BW smart switch is a WiFi + RF enabled switch that is compatible with Sonoff and other eWeLink app products. It features physical push buttons instead of a touch switch. This switch allows for remote control, scheduling, and automation, similar to Sonoff smart switches. It comes in one-, two-, and three-button versions and connects directly to the eWeLink cloud via the WiFi router's internet connection. It also has a 433MHz RF receiver, allowing for remote switching from Sonoff RF remote controllers and SmartWise BWRF RF wall switches. The switch can be controlled through the eWeLink app on iOS and Android devices, even when you are not at home. It has a small LED indicator to show the on/off status and can be shared with family members for remote access. The switch can be set to momentary switching mode or activate auto-off using the eWeLink app's inching feature. The two- and three-gang versions can be set to interlock mode, where one circuit is switched off when the others are switched on. The switch is also compatible with voice control through Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Google Nest. It is important to note that this smart switch requires both live and neutral wiring to work.

SmartWise B3LN-ZB-NFP 3-gang Zigbee 3.0 gudrais sienas slēdzis ar fiziskām pogām (bez priekšējā paneļa)

Šis ir SmartWise jaunākais gudrās gaismas slēdžu produktu klāsts, kas izmanto populāro Zigbee gudrās mājas protokolu tīkla komunikācijai, nevis WiFi, tāpēc gudrai kontrolei ir nepieciešams Zigbee vārteja. Lietojot to kopā ar Sonoff Zigbee Bridge vai SmartWise Zigbee Bridge Pro, tas ir saderīgs ar eWeLink lietotni un ir aprīkots ar fiziskām pogām, nevis pieskāriena slēdzi.Ja jūs meklējat gudru slēdzi, kas piedāvā neredzētas slēgšanas ērtības, jūtiet slēdzi un slēdziet to, neskatoties uz to, bet tāpat kā citus gudros slēdžus varat to attālināti kontrolēt, plānot un automatizēt, šis produkts ir pareizā izvēle jums.B3-LN-ZB versija ir 3-gangu versija ar fizisku slēdzi. Gan fāzes, gan nulles vads ir nepieciešams, lai LN versija darbotos.Pateicoties iebūvētajam Zigbee čipam, to var pieslēgt Sonoff vai SmartWise Zigbee vārtejai, un tas ir arī pārbaudīts, vai tas ir saderīgs ar Tuya / SmartLife un SmartThings Zigbee vārtejām.Protams, jūs varat izmantot sienas slēdzi, lai ieslēgtu vai izslēgtu lampu tāpat kā ar parastu slēdzi. Bet tas ir arī lielisks risinājums Zigbee pamatotai gudrai kontrolei jebkurai gaismai, lai attālināti kontrolētu gaismas, iestatītu automatizācijas un plānotu ieslēgšanu / izslēgšanu. To var izmantot arī kā drošības risinājumu, lai radītu klātbūtnes simulāciju, tas ir, lai ārpasauli pārliecinātu, ka jūs esat mājās.Ieslēgšanas / izslēgšanas statusu norāda arī mazs baltas / zaļas LED uz slēdža, tāpēc pat ja slēdzis ir uzstādīts ārpus telpām, mums ir atgriezeniskā saite par slēdža ieslēgšanas / izslēgšanas statusu, un mēs viegli varam atrast slēdzi tumsā, izmantojot mazo LED palīdzību.Produkta īpašības: - Fiziska slēdža poga - Mazs baltas krāsas statusa LED rāda, ka slēdzis ir IZSLĒGTS, bet zaļā LED nozīmē, ka slēdzis ir IESLĒGTS. - Izmērs atbilst ES standartam: 86x86 mm slēdža priekšpusē, kas ir izmērs atbilstoši ES standartam. - Zigbee 3.0 slēdzis - saderīgs ar Sonoff un SmartWise Zigbee vārtēm, Tuya un SmartLife saderīgām Zigbee vārtām un SmartThings centrālei. To var pieslēgt Zigbee vārtas pašu viedtālruņa lietotnei. Gadījumā, ja tas tiek savienots ar eWeLink Zigbee vārtu, to var saderināt ar eWeLink lietotni. - Statusa vaicājums - mobilā lietotne parāda pašreizējo slēdža statusu (ies

SmartWise B3LW-NFP 3-gang eWeLink smart WiFi + RF wall switch with physical button (single-live-wire, works without neutral) (without front panel)

The SmartWise B3LW smart light switch is a versatile and convenient option for replacing traditional EU switches. It works without a neutral wire, only requiring a live wire input. With built-in WiFi and RF receiver chips, it can be paired with wireless RF switches for two-way switching. The switch is compatible with the eWeLink app, allowing for remote control, scheduling, and automation. It features physical push buttons and can be controlled remotely from iOS and Android devices. The switch also has a small LED indicator for on/off status and can be shared with family members for remote access. It offers various features such as timing functions, auto-off, and momentary switching. The switch is also compatible with voice control through Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Google Nest.

SmartWise BEREM1 Bluetooth (eWeLink-Remote) wireless switch with 1 button

The SmartWise wireless wall switch is a Bluetooth-enabled device that allows remote control of compatible devices. It is designed to work with the latest generation of eWeLink devices equipped with ESP32 WiFi + Bluetooth chipset. With a range of up to 70-80 meters in an outdoor environment, it offers a much larger range compared to 433MHz RF technology. The switch is compatible with SmartWise S1W smart socket, SmartWise Mini BT 16A relay, and more. However, it is not compatible with Sonoff devices featuring eWeLink-Remote HUB function. The switch operates with a 27A battery (not included).

SmartWise BEREM2 Bluetooth (eWeLink-Remote) wireless switch with 2 button

The SmartWise wireless wall switch is a Bluetooth-enabled device that allows remote control of compatible devices. It is designed for use with the latest generation of eWeLink devices equipped with ESP32 WiFi + Bluetooth chipset. This 2-button switch can wirelessly control 2 compatible devices. It offers a much larger range than traditional RF technology, reaching up to 70-80 meters in an outdoor environment. The switch is compatible with SmartWise S1W smart socket, SmartWise Mini BT 16A relay, and more. However, it is not compatible with Sonoff devices featuring eWeLink-Remote HUB function. The switch operates with a CR2032 battery (not included).

SmartWise BEREM3 Bluetooth (eWeLink-Remote) wireless switch with 3 button

The SmartWise wireless wall switch is a Bluetooth-enabled device that allows remote control of compatible devices. It is designed to work with the latest generation of eWeLink devices equipped with ESP32 WiFi + Bluetooth chipset. This 3-button switch can wirelessly control up to 3 compatible devices. With Bluetooth Low Energy-based eWeLink-Remote technology, it offers a much larger range compared to 433MHz RF technology, reaching devices up to 70-80 meters in an outdoor environment. It is compatible with SmartWise S1W smart socket, SmartWise Mini BT 16A relay, and more. However, it is not compatible with Sonoff devices featuring eWeLink-Remote HUB function. The switch operates with a CR2032 battery (not included).

SmartWise BRF1-NFP, a 1-button wireless RF wall switch, without front panel

The SmartWise BRF1-NFP is a wireless, battery-operated, one-button 433MHz RF wall switch. It has the same appearance as the SmartWise BW WiFi + RF smart switches and is often used as a wireless 2-way/3-way switch for these smart switches. It is compatible with Sonoff's T1 and TX light switches, the SmartWise T4 single-live-wire smart switch family, and Sonoff and SmartWise smart relays with RF receiver. This RF remote controller can be attached to any place using screws or double-sided adhesive tape and does not require any wiring. It operates with a CR2032 battery (not included) and can be installed anywhere due to its flat back side. The front panel is sold separately in various colors and button versions. It can also be connected to Sonoff and SmartWise RF Bridge gateways to control other eWeLink-compatible devices.