SmartWise wall switch front panel, gold colour, 1-button

This product is a front panel accessory designed for various smart switches, including the SmartWise (WiFi+RF) BL and BLN series, Zigbee BL-ZB and BLN-ZB series, and BRF series 433MHz wireless RF switches. It features a gold color front panel with a physical button and is available in a 1 button product version.

SmartWise wall switch front panel, gold colour, 2-button

This product is a front panel accessory designed for various smart switches, including the SmartWise (WiFi+RF) BL and BLN series, Zigbee BL-ZB and BLN-ZB series, and BRF series 433MHz wireless RF switches. It features a gold-colored front panel with physical buttons and is a 2-button version.

SmartWise wall switch front panel, white, 1-button

This product is a front panel accessory designed for various smart switches, including the SmartWise (WiFi+RF) BL and BLN series, Zigbee BL-ZB and BLN-ZB series, and BRF series 433MHz wireless RF switches. It features a dim grey color and is equipped with a physical button. This particular version of the product includes one button.

SmartWise wall switch front panel, white, 2-button

This product is a front panel accessory designed for various smart switches, including the SmartWise (WiFi+RF) BL and BLN series, Zigbee BL-ZB and BLN-ZB series, and BRF series 433MHz wireless RF switches. It features a dim grey color front panel with a physical button and is a 2 button product version.

SmartWise wall switch front panel, white, 3-button

This product is a front panel accessory designed for various smart switches, including the SmartWise (WiFi+RF) BL and BLN series, Zigbee BL-ZB and BLN-ZB series, and BRF series 433MHz wireless RF switches. It features a dim grey color front panel with a physical button and is a 3 button product version.

SmartWise white glass triple frame for S1W smart socket

The SmartWise white glass triple frame for S1W smart socket is a sleek and stylish accessory that allows you to enhance the functionality and aesthetics of your smart socket. With its elegant white glass design, this triple frame adds a touch of sophistication to any room. It is the perfect solution for organizing and displaying your S1W smart socket, providing a seamless and clutter-free look. Upgrade your home decor and streamline your smart home setup with the SmartWise white glass triple frame for S1W smart socket.

SmartWise Z1-LNS 1-gang Zigbee smart wall touch switch

This product is a Zigbee smart touch switch that requires a Zigbee gateway for smart control. It is compatible with Sonoff Zigbee Bridge, SmartWise Zigbee Bridge Pro, Tuya/SmartLife Zigbee gateways, and SmartThings Zigbee gateways. The switch features a white glass touch panel without a frame and requires both live and neutral wires. It can be used to control lights remotely, set up automations and scheduled on/off switching. The switch also has additional features such as status query, remote on/off, timing functions, and compatibility with various Zigbee hubs. Please note that this smart switch requires both live and neutral wires to work.

SmartWise Z1-LS 1-gang Zigbee smart wall touch switch (single-live-wire)

This product is a Zigbee smart touch switch that uses the popular Zigbee smart home protocol for network communication. It requires a Zigbee gateway, such as the Sonoff Zigbee Bridge or SmartWise Zigbee Bridge Pro, for smart control. The Z1-LS version is a 1-gang touch switch with a white glass touch panel without a frame. It is a single-live-wire product, meaning it does not require a neutral wire for installation. The switch can be connected to a Sonoff or SmartWise Zigbee gateway, as well as Tuya/SmartLife and SmartThings Zigbee gateways. It can be used to control lights remotely, set up automations, and scheduled on/off switching. The switch also features a small anti-flicker module that needs to be installed at the controlled electric device to prevent flickering or random on/off behavior. The product is compatible with EU standard sizes and offers features such as status query, remote on/off control, timing functions, and compatibility with various Zigbee hubs and smartphone apps.

SmartWise Z2-LNS 2-gang Zigbee smart wall touch switch

This product is a 2-gang touch switch version with a white glass touch panel. It uses the Zigbee smart home protocol for network communication and requires a Zigbee gateway for smart control. It is compatible with the eWeLink app when used with the Sonoff Zigbee Bridge or SmartWise Zigbee Bridge Pro. The switch can be connected to a Sonoff or SmartWise Zigbee gateway, as well as tested to be compatible with Tuya/SmartLife and SmartThings Zigbee gateways. It can be used for traditional on/off switching of lights or for Zigbee-based smart control, allowing remote control, automation, and scheduled on/off switching. The switch features a touch switch button with a blue LED indicator, follows the EU standard size, and supports Zigbee 3.0. It also has status query, remote on/off capabilities, and timing functions. However, certain features like inching and interlock mode may not be available with eWeLink compatible Zigbee Bridges. The availability of additional features like sharing, groups/rooms, and automations depends on the capabilities of the connected Zigbee Bridge. It is important to note that this smart switch requires both live (phase) wire and neutral wire to work.

SmartWise Z2-LS 2-gang Zigbee smart wall touch switch (single-live-wire)

This product is a 2-gang touch switch version with a white glass touch panel. It is a single-live-wire product, meaning it does not require a neutral wire for installation. It uses the Zigbee smart home protocol for network communication and requires a Zigbee gateway for smart control. It is compatible with the Sonoff Zigbee Bridge, SmartWise Zigbee Bridge Pro, Tuya/SmartLife Zigbee gateways, and SmartThings Zigbee gateways. The switch can be used to control lights remotely, set up automations and scheduled on/off switching. It also has a presence simulation feature for security purposes. The product comes with an anti-flicker module that needs to be installed at the controlled electric device. It is compatible with various Zigbee hubs and has features such as touch switch button, status query, remote on/off, timing functions, and additional features depending on the connected Zigbee Bridge.

SmartWise Z3-LNS 3-gang Zigbee gudrais sienas skārienjūtīgais slēdzis

Šis ir SmartWise jaunākais gudrās pieskāres slēdžu produktu ģimenes apraksts, kas izmanto populāro Zigbee gudro mājas protokolu tīkla komunikācijai, nevis WiFi, tāpēc gudrai kontrolei ir nepieciešama Zigbee vārteja. Lai to izmantotu kopā ar Sonoff Zigbee Bridge vai SmartWise Zigbee Bridge Pro, tas ir saderīgs ar eWeLink lietotni.Z3-LN versija ir 3-gangu pieskāres slēdža versija, kas izceļas ar baltu stikla pieskāres paneli bez rāmja. LN versijai nepieciešama gan fāzes / dzīvā vadu, gan nulles vadu.Pateicoties iebūvētajam Zigbee čipam, to var savienot ar Sonoff vai SmartWise Zigbee vārteju, un tas ir arī pārbaudīts, vai tas ir saderīgs ar Tuya / SmartLife un SmartThings Zigbee vārtēm.Protams, jūs varat izmantot sienas slēdzi, lai ieslēgtu vai izslēgtu lampu, tāpat kā ar tradicionālo pieskāres slēdzi. Bet tas ir arī lielisks risinājums Zigbee pamatotai gudrai kontrolei jebkurai gaismas iekārtai, lai attālināti kontrolētu gaismas, iestatītu automatizācijas un plānotu ieslēgšanu / izslēgšanu. To var izmantot arī kā drošības risinājumu, lai radītu klātbūtnes simulāciju, tas ir, lai ārpasauli pārliecinātu, ka jūs esat mājās.Produkta īpašības: - Pieskāres slēdža poga - mazs zils LED uz stikla priekšējās pieskāres slēdža norāda pieskāres zonu - Izmērs atbilst ES standartam: 86x86 mm slēdža priekšējā daļa, kas ir ES standarta izmērs - Zigbee 3.0 slēdzis - saderīgs ar Sonoff un SmartWise Zigbee vārtēm, Tuya un SmartLife saderīgām Zigbee vārtām un SmartThings centrālei. To var savienot ar Zigbee vārtas pašu viedtālruņa lietotni. Gadījumā, ja tas tiek savienots ar eWeLink Zigbee vārtu, to var pāros ar eWeLink lietotni. - Statusa vaicājums - mobilā lietotne parāda slēdža pašreizējo stāvokli (ieslēgts vai izslēgts) - Attālināta ieslēgšana / izslēgšana - Jūs tagad varat attālināti ieslēgt vai izslēgt slēdzi no mobilā telefona lietotnes jebkurā vietā, izmantojot internetu - Laika iestatījumi - Pieejami vairāki laika iestatījumu funkcijas, atkarībā no jūsu Zigbee vārtu iespējām. - Inching (automātiska izslēgšanās) un savstarpējās bloķēšanas režīms (vairāku gangu slēdžiem) nav pieejami, izmantojot eWeLink saderīgas (Sonoff vai SmartWise) Zigbee vārtas. - Papildu funkcijas, piemēram, koplietošana, grupas / telpas, automatizācijas (

SmartWise Z3-LS 3-gang Zigbee smart wall touch switch (single-live-wire)

This product is a Zigbee smart touch switch that uses the popular Zigbee smart home protocol for network communication. It requires a Zigbee gateway for smart control and is compatible with the eWeLink app when used with the Sonoff Zigbee Bridge or SmartWise Zigbee Bridge Pro. The Z3-LS version is a 3-gang touch switch with a white glass touch panel without a frame. It is a single-live-wire product, meaning it does not require a neutral wire for installation. The switch can be connected to a Sonoff or SmartWise Zigbee gateway and is also compatible with Tuya/SmartLife and SmartThings Zigbee gateways. It can be used for traditional on/off control of lights or for Zigbee-based smart control, allowing remote control, automation, and scheduled on/off switching. The switch can also be used for presence simulation as a security solution. Please note that the switch requires the installation of a small anti-flicker module for proper operation. The product features include a touch switch button with a blue LED indicator, a size according to EU standards, Zigbee 3.0 compatibility, status query, remote on/off control, timing functions, and additional features depending on the connected Zigbee Bridge's capabilities. It is important to note that this smart switch only requires a live (phase) wire and does not need a neutral wire.