SmartWise BEREM3 Bluetooth (eWeLink-Remote) wireless switch with 3 button
The SmartWise wireless wall switch is a Bluetooth-enabled device that allows remote control of compatible devices. It is designed to work with the latest generation of eWeLink devices equipped with ESP32 WiFi + Bluetooth chipset. This 3-button switch can wirelessly control up to 3 compatible devices. With Bluetooth Low Energy-based eWeLink-Remote technology, it offers a much larger range compared to 433MHz RF technology, reaching devices up to 70-80 meters in an outdoor environment. It is compatible with SmartWise S1W smart socket, SmartWise Mini BT 16A relay, and more. However, it is not compatible with Sonoff devices featuring eWeLink-Remote HUB function. The switch operates with a CR2032 battery (not included).
SmartWise BRF1-NFP, a 1-button wireless RF wall switch, without front panel
The SmartWise BRF1-NFP is a wireless, battery-operated, one-button 433MHz RF wall switch. It has the same appearance as the SmartWise BW WiFi + RF smart switches and is often used as a wireless 2-way/3-way switch for these smart switches. It is compatible with Sonoff's T1 and TX light switches, the SmartWise T4 single-live-wire smart switch family, and Sonoff and SmartWise smart relays with RF receiver. This RF remote controller can be attached to any place using screws or double-sided adhesive tape and does not require any wiring. It operates with a CR2032 battery (not included) and can be installed anywhere due to its flat back side. The front panel is sold separately in various colors and button versions. It can also be connected to Sonoff and SmartWise RF Bridge gateways to control other eWeLink-compatible devices.
SmartWise BRF2-NFP, a 2-button wireless RF wall switch, without front panel
The SmartWise BRF2-NFP is a wireless, battery-operated, two-button 433MHz RF wall switch. It has the same appearance as the SmartWise BW WiFi + RF smart switches and is often used as a wireless 2-way/3-way switch for these smart switches. It is compatible with Sonoff's T1 and TX light switches, the SmartWise T4 single-live-wire smart switch family, and Sonoff and SmartWise smart relays with RF receiver. This RF remote controller can be attached to any place using screws or double-sided adhesive tape and does not require any wiring. It can also be used as a wireless switch or wall remote controller for smart switches with RF receiver. The SmartWise BRF2-NFP operates with a CR2032 battery (not included) and does not need any wall sockets for installation. The front panel is sold separately in various colors and button versions. Overall, it offers convenient and versatile control options for compatible devices.
SmartWise BRF3-NFP, a 3-button wireless RF wall switch, without front panel
The SmartWise BRF3-NFP is a wireless, battery-operated, two-button 433MHz RF wall switch. It has the same appearance as the SmartWise BW WiFi + RF smart switches and is often used as a wireless 2-way/3-way switch for these smart switches. It is compatible with Sonoff's T1 and TX light switches, the SmartWise T4 single-live-wire smart switch family, and Sonoff and SmartWise smart relays with RF receiver. This RF remote controller can be attached to any place using screws or double-sided adhesive tape and does not require any wiring. It operates with a CR2032 battery (not included) and can be installed anywhere due to its flat back side. The front panel is sold separately in various colors and button versions. This product allows for convenient control of compatible devices through 433MHz radio control or connection to Sonoff and SmartWise RF Bridge gateways for integration with other eWeLink-compatible devices.
SmartWise EREM1 Bluetooth (eWeLink-Remote) wireless switch with 1 button
The SmartWise wireless wall switch is a Bluetooth-enabled device that allows remote control of compatible devices. It is designed to work with the latest generation of eWeLink devices equipped with ESP32 WiFi + Bluetooth chipset. With a range of up to 70-80 meters in an outdoor environment, it offers a much larger range compared to 433MHz RF technology. The switch is compatible with SmartWise S1W smart socket, SmartWise Mini BT 16A relay, and more. However, it is not compatible with Sonoff devices featuring eWeLink-Remote HUB function. The switch operates with a 27A battery (not included).
SmartWise EREM3 Bluetooth (eWeLink-Remote) wireless switch with 3 button
The SmartWise wireless wall switch is a Bluetooth-enabled device that allows remote control of compatible devices. It is designed to work with the latest generation of eWeLink devices equipped with ESP32 WiFi + Bluetooth chipset. This 3-button switch can wirelessly control up to 3 compatible devices. With Bluetooth Low Energy-based eWeLink-Remote technology, it offers a much larger range compared to 433MHz RF technology, reaching devices up to 70-80 meters in an outdoor environment. It is compatible with SmartWise S1W smart socket, SmartWise Mini 16A relay, and more. However, it is not compatible with Sonoff devices featuring eWeLink-Remote HUB function. The switch operates with a 27A battery (not included).
SmartWise EREM8 Bluetooth (eWeLink-Remote) wireless switch with 2 button
The SmartWise wireless wall switch is a Bluetooth-enabled device that allows remote control of compatible devices. It is designed for use with the latest generation of eWeLink devices equipped with ESP32 WiFi + Bluetooth chipset. This 2-button switch can wirelessly control 2 compatible devices. It offers a much larger range than traditional RF technology, reaching up to 70-80 meters in an outdoor environment. The switch is compatible with SmartWise S1W smart socket, SmartWise Mini BT 16A relay, and more. However, it is not compatible with Sonoff devices featuring eWeLink-Remote HUB function. The switch operates with a 27A battery (not included).
SmartWise RF1 1-gang wireless RF wall switch
The SmartWise RF1 is a 1-gang wireless wall switch that operates on radio frequency (RF). It features a fluorescent line on the switch button for improved visibility in the dark. This switch can be paired with RF gateways or used as a wireless remote switch for Sonoff T1 or Sonoff TX T1, T2, T3 smart switches. It is also compatible with Sonoff smart devices with RF-support. The switch comes with a CR2032 battery and can be installed without wiring using screws or double-sided adhesive. It is a simpler version of the SmartWise T1R glass touch switch and is recommended for outdoor places, garages, workshops, and factories. The switch operates on 433 MHz RF and can control compatible Sonoff products. Multiple RF switches can be paired with Sonoff smart wall switches or Sonoff RF relay switch.
SmartWise RF2 2-gang bezvadu RF sienas slēdzis
Šis ir SmartWise RF2 divu pogu bezvadu, RF (radiofrekvences) bāzes sienas slēdzis ar fluorescējošu joslu uz slēdža pogas (uzlabo slēdža redzamību tumšā). To var savienot ar RF vārtiem (piemēram, Sonoff RF Bridge) vai izmantot kā bezvadu tālvadības slēdzi (kā bezvadu divvirzienu slēdzi) Sonoff T1 vai Sonoff TX T1, T2, T3 gudro slēdžu gadījumā. Tas ir arī saderīgs ar Sonoff gudajiem ierīcēm ar RF atbalstu (Sonoff RF R2 un R3 un Sonoff 4CH Pro R2 releja slēdžiem un Sonoff Slampher). Sienas slēdža vāka iekšpusē ir RF tālvadības pults, un tā darbība ir iespējama tikai pēc bezvadu savienošanas ar RF gudru releja slēdzi, RF spējīgu sienas slēdzi vai RF vārtiem vai tiltu. SmartWise RF1/RF2/RF3 RF bezvadu tālvadības slēdži darbojas ar CR2032 bateriju, kas tiek nodrošināta kopā ar produktu. Tā kā tam nav vadīšanas, slēdzi var uzstādīt uz sienas vai mēbeļu jebkurā vēlamā vietā, izmantojot skrūves (nav iekļautas) vai divpusēju līmlenti (iekļauta). Tas ir ideāls risinājums, lai pievienotu kā otro vai trešo slēdzi, neradot vadu problēmas. Tas ir vienkāršāka versija SmartWise T1R stikla skārienjūtīgā slēdža ar plastmasas pogām un ir īpaši ieteicams āra vietām (aizsargāts no lietus), garāžām, darbnīcām, rūpnīcām. Iezīmes: - Plastmasas klikšķināšanas pogas ar fluorescējošu joslu, kas redzama tumšā, - To var uzstādīt ar skrūvēm vai divpusēju līmlenti jebkurā vietā bez vadīšanas, - Tas darbojas ar 433 MHz RF un ir saderīgs ar Sonoff produktiem, piemēram, Sonoff T1 un Sonoff TX T1, T2, T3 sērijas sienas slēdžiem, Sonoff RF (R2) un (R3) releja slēdžiem un Sonoff 4CH Pro (R2) releja slēdzi, - Ar Sonoff gudrajiem sienas slēdžiem var savienot līdz pat 14 tādiem RF slēdžiem, viena tālvadība uz kanālu ar Sonoff 4CH Pro un vairāki RF slēdži ar Sonoff RF releja slēdzi.
SmartWise RF3 3-gang wireless RF wall switch
The SmartWise RF3 is a 3-gang wireless wall switch that operates on radio frequency (RF). It can be paired with RF gateways or used as a wireless remote switch for Sonoff T1 or Sonoff TX T1, T2, T3 smart switches. It is also compatible with Sonoff smart devices with RF-support. The switch is easy to install without any wiring and can be placed anywhere using screws or two-sided adhesive. It features plastic click buttons with a fluorescent stripe for visibility in the dark. The RF3 switch works on 433 MHz RF and can control compatible Sonoff products. Multiple RF switches can be paired with Sonoff smart wall switches or RF relay switches. It is recommended for outdoor places, garages, workshops, and factories.
SmartWise RFM1 1-gang wireless RF wall switch, removable from holder
The SmartWise RFM1 is a 1-gang wireless wall switch that operates on radio frequency (RF). It can be used as a remote controller or fixed to the wall with the included holder. This switch can be paired with RF gateways or used as a wireless remote switch for Sonoff T1 or Sonoff TX T1, T2, T3 smart switches. It is also compatible with other Sonoff smart devices with RF-support. The switch is battery-powered and does not require any wiring for installation. It can be easily removed from the holder and used as a remote controller anywhere in your home or garage. The SmartWise RFM1 is a convenient solution for adding additional switches without the hassle of wiring.
SmartWise RFM2 2-gang wireless RF wall switch, removable from holder
The SmartWise RFM2 is a 2-gang wireless wall switch that operates on radio frequency (RF). It can be used as a remote controller or fixed to the wall with or without the wall holder. This switch can be paired with RF gateways or used as a wireless remote switch for Sonoff T1 or Sonoff TX T1, T2, T3 smart switches. It is also compatible with Sonoff smart devices with RF-support. The switch is battery-powered and does not require any wiring for installation. It can be easily removed from the holder and used as a remote controller anywhere in the home or garage. The SmartWise RFM2 is a simpler version of the SmartWise T1R glass touch switch and is recommended for outdoor places, garages, workshops, and factories.