Showing 853–864 of 975 results

Viedais Wi-Fi rullīšu relejs

TUYA WiFi iebūvētās rullo žalūzijas un aizkaru kontrolieris Jauns inteliģentas WiFi rullo žalūziju un aizkaru slēdža modulis. Padariet savu rullo

Viedais Wi-Fi slēdzis Sonoff MINI R3

"Viedais Wi-Fi slēdzis Sonoff MINI R3" ir maza izmēra ierīce, kas ļauj jums pārvaldīt un kontrolēt jūsu mājas elektrisko iekārtu darbību, izmantojot savu viedtālruni vai citu Wi-Fi savienojumu nodrošinošu ierīci. Ar Sonoff MINI R3 jūs varat viegli ieslēgt vai izslēgt gaismas, elektroierīces vai citus elektriskos ierīces no jebkuras vietas un jebkurā laikā, izmantojot tikai savu viedierīci. Tas ir ērts un moderns risinājums, kas padara jūsu mājas automatizāciju vienkāršu un pieejamu.

Viedais WiFi rullo slēdža slēdzis N-CS10-B TUYA (melns) Avatto

Avatto N-CS10-B TUYA viedais WiFi rullo slēģu slēdzis melnā krāsā nemanāmi integrējas jūsu mājās, lai mainītu jūsu kontroli pār rullo

Viedais WiFi rullo slēdža slēdzis N-CS10-W TUYA (balts) Avatto

Viedais WiFi rullo slēģu slēdzis Avatto N-CS10-W TUYA (balts) ir ērta un daudzpusīga ierīce, kas ļauj ērti vadīt rullīšus un

Viedais Zigbee bezvadu slēdzis Sonoff SNZB-01

"Viedais Zigbee bezvadu slēdzis Sonoff SNZB-01" ir moderns un inovatīvs slēdzis, kas darbojas ar Zigbee tehnoloģiju. Šis slēdzis ļauj jums viegli kontrolēt un automatizēt jūsu mājas apgaismojumu vai citus elektriskos ierīces no jebkuras vietas. Ar vienkāršu pieskārienu vai izmantojot savu viedtālruni, jūs varat ieslēgt, izslēgt vai regulēt slēdža darbību. Tas ir ērts un efektīvs veids, kā padarīt jūsu mājas dzīvi viedāku un enerģijas taupīgāku.

Wall mount for Shelly H&T

Wall mount for Shelly H&T The Shelly H&T wall mount is designed to keep your Shelly H&T in place and

Wall Socket TS-321-DE Tessan

The Tessan Wall Socket TS-321-DE is a sleek and modern electrical outlet designed to meet various power needs. This socket

Water Floor Heating Thermostat

The "Water Floor Heating Thermostat" is a highly efficient and user-friendly device designed to control the temperature of water-based floor heating systems. This thermostat offers advanced features and functionality to ensure optimal comfort and energy efficiency in your home or office.With its sleek and modern design, the thermostat seamlessly blends into any interior decor. It features a clear and intuitive LCD display that provides easy-to-read information, allowing you to effortlessly adjust and monitor the temperature settings.Equipped with precise temperature sensors, the thermostat ensures accurate and consistent heating control, maintaining a comfortable environment throughout the day. It offers programmable scheduling options, allowing you to set different temperature levels for various times of the day, ensuring maximum energy savings without compromising on comfort.The thermostat also includes smart features such as adaptive learning, which analyzes your heating patterns and adjusts the temperature accordingly, further optimizing energy usage. Additionally, it offers a vacation mode, enabling you to set a lower temperature when you are away, saving energy and reducing heating costs.Installation of the Water Floor Heating Thermostat is straightforward, with clear instructions provided. It is compatible with most water-based floor heating systems, making it a versatile choice for both new installations and retrofitting existing systems.Overall, the Water Floor Heating Thermostat is a reliable and efficient solution for controlling the temperature of water-based floor heating systems. With its advanced features, user-friendly interface, and energy-saving capabilities, it ensures a comfortable and cost-effective heating experience for any space.

Waterproof Box IP66 R2 BOX Sonoff

Introducing the Sonoff R2 Waterproof Box, an IP66-rated enclosure designed to safeguard your electronic devices against water, dust, and other