Sonoff TX T3 EU 1C 1-gang smart WiFi + RF wall touch light switch (black)
The Sonoff TX is a smart light switch that allows you to control three lights or a chandelier. It features an elegant glass front panel with touch switch capabilities. With its built-in WiFi chip, you can remotely turn the switch on or off using a smartphone app. The switch also has a timer function for scheduled turn on/off. It can be used as a housebreak-prevention solution by setting a scheduled turn on/off to make it appear as if someone is home. The TX T3 version includes a black glass front touch panel and built-in 433MHz radio control for pairing with remote radio-controls and alternative switches. The switch is designed to add a modern touch to any room and has an LED indicator for easy detection in the dark. It also supports personalized smart scenes for groups of connected devices and allows for status syncing and control sharing. The switch is compatible with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, IFTTT, and Google Nest. Please note that both live and neutral wires are required for installation.
Sonoff TX T3 EU 2C 2-gang smart WiFi + RF wall touch light switch (black)
The Sonoff TX is a smart light switch that allows you to control three lights or a chandelier. It features an elegant glass front panel with touch switch capabilities. With its built-in WiFi chip, you can remotely turn the switch on or off using a smartphone app. The switch also has a timer function for scheduled turn on/off. It can be used as a housebreak-prevention solution by setting a scheduled turn on/off to make it appear as if someone is home. The TX T3 version has a black glass front touch panel and includes built-in 433MHz radio control for pairing with alternative switches. The switch is designed to add a modern touch to any room and has an LED indicator for easy detection in the dark. It also allows for personalized smart scenes and the ability to share control with family members. The Sonoff TX is compatible with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, IFTTT, and Google Nest. Please note that both live and neutral wires are required for installation.
Sonoff TX T3 EU 3C 3-gang smart WiFi + RF wall touch light switch (black)
The Sonoff TX is a smart light switch that allows you to control three lights or a chandelier. It features an elegant glass front panel with touch switch capabilities. With its built-in WiFi chip, you can remotely turn the switch on or off using a smartphone app. The switch also has a timer function for scheduled turn on/off. It can be shared with your family for remote control access. The Sonoff TX T3 version has a black glass front touch panel and includes built-in 433MHz radio control for pairing with alternative switches. The switch is designed to add a modern touch to your home and has an LED indicator for easy detection in the dark. It also supports personalized smart scenes and can sync status and share control with other devices. The Sonoff TX is compatible with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, IFTTT, and Google Nest. Please note that both live and neutral wires are required for installation.
Sonoff TX Ultimate T5 EU 1C 1-gang smart WiFi + eWeLink-Remote (Bluetooth) wall touch light switch
The Sonoff TX Ultimate T5 EU is a smart light switch that supports Wi-Fi and eWeLink-Remote protocols. It features a full surface touch switch, allowing you to turn on/off the light with a simple touch anywhere on the panel. The switch can be controlled remotely from a mobile phone via the internet and supports scheduled ON/OFF, timer, and loop controlled ON/OFF functions. It also has a replaceable touch front panel and a LED strip that can be customized for various functions such as showing ON/OFF status, ambient/mood lighting, and night light. The switch is available in one, two, and three circuit/touch button versions. It can be paired with the eWeLink smart home system and is compatible with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Google Nest for voice control. Additionally, it can be remotely controlled from Sonoff Bluetooth wireless devices. The Sonoff TX Ultimate T5 EU is a versatile and convenient solution for smart control of any lamp or lighting.
Sonoff TX Ultimate T5 EU 2C 2-gang smart WiFi + eWeLink-Remote (Bluetooth) wall touch light switch
The Sonoff TX Ultimate T5 EU is a smart light switch that supports Wi-Fi and eWeLink-Remote protocols. It features a full surface touch switch, allowing you to turn on/off the light with a simple touch anywhere on the panel. The switch can be controlled remotely from a mobile phone via the internet and supports scheduled ON/OFF, timer, and loop controlled ON/OFF functions. It also has a replaceable touch front panel and a LED strip that can be customized for various functions such as showing ON/OFF status, ambient/mood lighting, and night light. The switch is available in one, two, and three circuit/touch button versions. It can be paired with the eWeLink smart home system and is compatible with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Google Nest for voice control. Additionally, it can be remotely controlled from Sonoff Bluetooth wireless devices. The Sonoff TX Ultimate T5 EU is a versatile and convenient solution for smart control of any lamp or lighting.
Sonoff TX Ultimate T5 EU 3C 3-gang smart WiFi + eWeLink-Remote (Bluetooth) wall touch light switch
The Sonoff TX Ultimate T5 EU is a smart light switch that supports Wi-Fi and eWeLink-Remote protocols. It features a full surface touch switch, allowing you to turn on/off the light with a simple touch anywhere on the panel. The switch can be controlled remotely from a mobile phone via the internet and supports scheduled ON/OFF, timer, and loop controlled ON/OFF functions. It also has a replaceable touch front panel and a LED strip that can be customized for various functions such as showing ON/OFF status, ambient/mood lighting, and night light. The switch is available in one, two, and three circuit/touch button versions. It can be paired with the eWeLink smart home system and is compatible with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Google Nest for voice control. Additionally, it can be remotely controlled from Sonoff Bluetooth wireless devices. The Sonoff TX Ultimate T5 EU is a versatile and convenient solution for smart control of any lamp or lighting.
Sonoff Waterproof box R2
Sonoff Wi-Fi relejs bez neitrāla.
Sonoff Wi-Fi relejs bez neitrāla ir inovatīvs un praktisks ierīce, kas ļauj jums viegli kontrolēt jebkuru elektrisko ierīci no jebkuras vietas, izmantojot savu viedtālruni vai planšetdatoru.Šis relejs ir īpaši izstrādāts, lai atrisinātu problēmas, kas saistītas ar trūkstošo neitrālo vadu. Tas nozīmē, ka to var viegli uzstādīt jebkurā mājā vai dzīvoklī, neatkarīgi no elektroinstalācijas veida.Vienkārši pieslēdzot Sonoff Wi-Fi releju pie jūsu elektriskās ierīces un savienojot to ar jūsu Wi-Fi tīklu, jūs varat kontrolēt šo ierīci no jebkuras vietas, izmantojot speciālu mobilās lietotnes interfeisu. Tas ļauj jums ieslēgt vai izslēgt ierīci, iestatīt laika grafikus vai pat izveidot automatizācijas, kas atbilst jūsu vajadzībām.Sonoff Wi-Fi relejs bez neitrāla ir arī savienojams ar populārākajiem viedtālruņu asistentiem, piemēram, Amazon Alexa vai Google Assistant, tādējādi nodrošinot vēl lielāku ērtību un kontroli pār jūsu mājas elektroniku.Turklāt, šis relejs ir aprīkots ar drošības funkcijām, kas aizsargā jūsu mājas elektroinstalāciju no pārslodzes vai īssavienojuma riskiem. Tas nodrošina drošu un uzticamu darbību, lai jūs varētu mierīgi izmantot savas elektriskās ierīces.Kopumā Sonoff Wi-Fi relejs bez neitrāla ir lielisks produkts, kas padara jūsu mājas automatizāciju vienkāršu un pieejamu. Tas nodrošina ērtību, kontroli un drošību, vienlaikus piedāvājot modernu un stilīgu dizainu. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai vēlaties pārvaldīt gaismas, apkuri vai citus elektriskos ierīces, šis relejs ir ideāls risinājums jūsu vajadzībām.