Showing 205–216 of 975 results

Electricity meter 63A DIN Wifi

The "Electricity meter 63A DIN Wifi" is a cutting-edge device designed to accurately measure and monitor electricity consumption in residential or commercial settings. With its DIN rail mounting feature, it can be easily installed in electrical panels or distribution boards.This electricity meter is capable of handling a maximum current of 63A, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. It provides precise measurements of energy consumption, allowing users to effectively monitor their electricity usage and make informed decisions to optimize energy efficiency.One of the standout features of this meter is its built-in Wifi connectivity, enabling seamless integration with smart home or building automation systems. This allows users to remotely access real-time energy data, receive notifications, and even control electrical devices from anywhere using a smartphone or computer.The meter is designed to meet the highest industry standards, ensuring accurate and reliable measurements over an extended period. Its compact and durable construction ensures longevity and ease of use.Overall, the "Electricity meter 63A DIN Wifi" is a versatile and advanced solution for monitoring electricity consumption, providing users with the necessary tools to manage energy usage effectively and promote sustainability.

Elektriskais grīdas LED paneļa termostats 16A, Melns

Inteliģents apaļš termostats ar diametru 80 mm, ielādējams, melns LED WiFi, ir uzlabots risinājums apkures regulēšanai (piem., elektriskajiem radiatoriem, apkures

Elektriskais konvektora radiators

Elektriskais konvektora radiators ir moderns un efektīvs sildītājs, kas izmanto elektrisko enerģiju, lai nodrošinātu siltumu telpās. Šis produkts ir īpaši izstrādāts, lai nodrošinātu ātru un vienmērīgu siltuma izplatīšanos visā telpā.Elektriskais konvektora radiators ir aprīkots ar vairākiem siltuma elementiem, kas ļauj vienlaicīgi sildīt vairākas telpas vai vienu lielu telpu. Tas ir ļoti noderīgs, jo tas ļauj ietaupīt enerģiju un samazināt siltuma zudumus.Šis produkts ir arī ļoti drošs lietošanā, jo tam ir iebūvēta temperatūras kontroles sistēma, kas novērš pārkaršanu un aizsargā no ugunsgrēka riska. Turklāt, elektriskais konvektora radiators ir kluss darbībā, tāpēc tas nebojās jūsu miera un komforta sajūtu.Viena no šī produkta priekšrocībām ir tā viegla un kompakta konstrukcija, kas ļauj to viegli pārvietot no vienas vietas uz citu. Tas ir ļoti noderīgs, ja jums ir nepieciešams sildīt vairākas telpas vai mainīt siltuma avota atrašanās vietu.Elektriskais konvektora radiators ir arī viegli lietojams, jo tam ir intuitīva vadības panelis, kas ļauj regulēt temperatūru un siltuma izplatīšanas intensitāti. Tas ļauj jums pielāgot siltuma līmeni atbilstoši jūsu vajadzībām un komforta līmenim.Kopumā elektriskais konvektora radiators ir efektīvs un praktisks sildītājs, kas nodrošina ātru un vienmērīgu siltuma izplatīšanos telpās. Tas ir drošs, kluss, viegli pārvietojams un viegli lietojams. Šis produkts ir ideāls risinājums, lai nodrošinātu siltumu un komfortu jūsu mājās vai birojā.



Ierīces tips: Elektroenerģijas monitors, Vienfāzes / Trīsfāzu ; Bezvadu: Wi-Fi, 2,4 GHz — IEEE 802.11 b/g/n ; Nominālais spriegums: 230 V / 400 V maiņstrāva, 50 /60 Hz ; Mērvienība: kWh ; Savienotāju tips: skrūvju spailes ; Korpuss: DIN, TS-35 stiprinājums uz sliedes ;



Augstas kvalitātes strāvas sloksne ar 1,5 m kabeli; Maksimālā kopējā slodze: 3680 W ; Izeju skaits: 5 iezemētas kontaktligzdas 16A/250V CEE 7/5 ;

Fotoelektriskais panelis 140W

"Fotoelektriskais panelis 140W" ir produkts, kas izmanto saules enerģiju, lai ražotu elektrību. Tas ir ar jaudu 140 vati un ir paredzēts, lai nodrošinātu enerģiju mājsaimniecībām vai citām vietām, kur nepieciešama elektrība. Šis panelis ir efektīvs un videi draudzīgs risinājums, kas palīdz samazināt enerģijas izmaksas un ietekmi uz vidi.

Fotoelektriskais panelis 20W

"Fotovoltaiskais panelis 20W" ir ierīce, kas izmanto saules enerģiju, lai pārvērstu to elektriskajā enerģijā. Šis 20 vatu panelis ir piemērots, lai barotu mazākus elektriskos ierīces, piemēram, lukturīšus, kameru sistēmas vai citas mājas elektronikas ierīces. Tas ir efektīvs un videi draudzīgs veids, kā ietaupīt enerģiju un samazināt elektroenerģijas rēķinus.

Fotoelektriskais panelis 63W

Fotoelektriskais panelis 63W ir ierīce, kas izmanto saules enerģiju, lai ražotu elektrību. Tas ir paredzēts, lai uzstādītu uz jumta vai citām vietām, kur tas var absorbēt saules gaismu. Šis panelis ir ar jaudu 63 vati, kas nozīmē, ka tas spēj ražot 63 vatu elektrību. Tas ir videi draudzīgs un ilgtspējīgs risinājums, kas palīdz samazināt elektroenerģijas izmaksas un iegūt enerģiju no atjaunojamiem avotiem.

Fuse C 32A 2P 54mm DIN WiFi

The "Fuse C 32A 2P 54mm DIN WiFi" is a high-quality and efficient electrical component designed for various applications. This product is specifically designed to be used as a fuse, ensuring the safety and protection of electrical circuits.With a current rating of 32A, this fuse is capable of handling moderate to high electrical loads. It features a 2P (two-pole) configuration, allowing it to protect both live and neutral wires simultaneously. This ensures comprehensive protection against overcurrents and short circuits.The fuse is designed to be installed on a DIN rail, providing easy and secure mounting in electrical panels or distribution boards. Its compact size of 54mm ensures that it can be conveniently installed even in space-constrained environments.One of the standout features of this product is its WiFi capability. With built-in WiFi connectivity, this fuse can be remotely monitored and controlled using a compatible device or through a dedicated mobile application. This allows for convenient and efficient management of electrical systems, providing real-time information on the status of the fuse and enabling quick response to any issues or faults.The "Fuse C 32A 2P 54mm DIN WiFi" is a reliable and technologically advanced solution for electrical protection. Its combination of high current rating, dual-pole configuration, DIN rail compatibility, and WiFi connectivity make it an ideal choice for both residential and commercial applications. Ensure the safety and efficiency of your electrical systems with this innovative fuse.

Fuse C 32A 2P 54mm ZigBee DIN

The "Fuse C 32A 2P 54mm ZigBee DIN" is a high-quality electrical component designed for efficient and reliable power distribution. This product is specifically designed to be used in electrical panels or distribution boards.With a current rating of 32A, this fuse is capable of handling moderate to high electrical loads. The 2P designation indicates that it is a double-pole fuse, providing protection for both the live and neutral wires. This ensures enhanced safety and prevents any potential electrical hazards.Measuring 54mm in size, this fuse is compact and can easily fit into standard DIN rail mountings. The DIN rail mounting system allows for easy installation and removal, making it convenient for electricians and maintenance personnel.One of the standout features of this fuse is its ZigBee compatibility. ZigBee is a wireless communication protocol that enables smart home automation and control. By integrating ZigBee technology, this fuse can be connected to a ZigBee network, allowing for remote monitoring and control of the electrical system. This feature enhances convenience and enables efficient energy management.Overall, the "Fuse C 32A 2P 54mm ZigBee DIN" is a reliable and versatile electrical component that ensures the safe and efficient distribution of power. Its compact size, double-pole design, and ZigBee compatibility make it an ideal choice for various residential, commercial, and industrial applications.

Garage door opener (Wi-Fi)

The "Garage door opener (Wi-Fi)" is a cutting-edge device that revolutionizes the way you control your garage door. With its advanced Wi-Fi connectivity, this opener allows you to conveniently operate your garage door from anywhere using your smartphone or tablet.Gone are the days of worrying about whether you left your garage door open or closed. With this smart opener, you can easily check the status of your garage door and effortlessly open or close it with just a few taps on your mobile device. Whether you're at home, at work, or even on vacation, you have complete control over your garage door's access.Installation is a breeze, as this opener seamlessly integrates with your existing garage door system. Simply connect it to your home's Wi-Fi network and follow the straightforward setup instructions provided. Once connected, you can enjoy the convenience and peace of mind that this smart opener brings.In addition to its remote control capabilities, this garage door opener also offers a range of intelligent features. You can set up customized schedules to automatically open or close your garage door at specific times, ensuring that it aligns with your daily routine. Furthermore, it provides real-time notifications, alerting you whenever your garage door is opened or closed, allowing you to monitor its activity at all times.The "Garage door opener (Wi-Fi)" is not only a practical and convenient solution but also a secure one. It employs advanced encryption protocols to safeguard your data and prevent unauthorized access. You can trust that your garage and its contents are protected with this reliable and secure opener.Upgrade your garage door system with the "Garage door opener (Wi-Fi)" and experience the convenience, control, and security it brings to your everyday life. Say goodbye to traditional garage door openers and embrace the future of smart home technology.

Garāžas durvju relejs ar sensoru Zigbee

Mazākais vārtu motora kontrolleris ar TUYA lietojumprogrammas atbalstu tirgū, tagad ZigBee 3.0 versijā. Pārvaldiet savas ierīces viedā veidā. Kontrolieris vārtu piedziņām