Showing 133–144 of 975 results

Aizkaru sienas slēdzis Zigbee+RF

ZigBee 3.0 + RF 433 MHz aizkaru un žalūziju kontrolieris Galvenās priekšrocības: Aizkaru un žalūziju vadība ar telefonu, pieskārienu vai

AQARA Dual Relay Module T2 (With Neutral), with power meter and interlock mode support for roller sh

NEW, 2-gang Aqara smart Zigbee relay module, with built-in power meter and interlock mode for motor control.. It both supports

AQARA Smart Plug

The AQARA Smart Plug is a versatile and intelligent device that allows you to control your electrical appliances remotely. With its user-friendly interface and seamless integration with smart home systems, this smart plug offers convenience and energy efficiency. Experience the ease of managing your devices from anywhere, while also monitoring and optimizing their power consumption. Upgrade your home with the AQARA Smart Plug and enjoy a more connected and efficient lifestyle.

AQARA Smart Wall Switch H1 EU (No Neutral, Double Rocker)

The AQARA Smart Wall Switch H1 EU (No Neutral, Double Rocker) is a versatile smart home device designed for European electrical systems. It offers compatibility with popular smart home platforms, a double rocker design for independent control, wireless connectivity for remote control and automation, energy monitoring capabilities, and easy installation. Upgrade your home automation setup with this convenient and smart solution for controlling your lighting and appliances.

AQARA Smart Wall Switch H1 EU (No Neutral, Single Rocker)

The AQARA Smart Wall Switch H1 EU is a smart home device designed to replace traditional wall switches in European households. It is specifically designed for homes that do not have a neutral wire available. This switch offers compatibility with popular smart home ecosystems, energy monitoring capabilities, and easy installation. With its sleek design and wireless connectivity, it provides a convenient and smart solution for controlling electrical devices in your home.

AQARA Smart Wall Switch H1 EU (With Neutral, Double Rocker)

The AQARA Smart Wall Switch H1 EU (With Neutral, Double Rocker) is a smart home device designed for European electrical systems. It allows you to control two separate electrical circuits or devices independently. With its smart capabilities, you can remotely control and automate your lights or devices using a smartphone or voice commands. The switch supports automation and scheduling features, allowing you to set timers or create customized scenes. Installation should be done by a qualified electrician. Overall, it offers a convenient and modern solution for controlling your home's lighting and appliances.

AQARA Smart Wall Switch H1 EU (With Neutral, Single Rocker)

The AQARA Smart Wall Switch H1 EU (With Neutral, Single Rocker) is a sleek and modern smart home device designed to replace traditional wall switches. It is compatible with the European electrical system and requires a neutral wire for installation. With the AQARA app, you can control your lights or other connected devices remotely from your smartphone or tablet. It also supports voice control through popular voice assistants like Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant. The switch is easy to install and made of high-quality materials for durability. It allows for scheduling and automation, saving energy and enhancing convenience. Additionally, it supports multi-way control for larger rooms or staircases. Upgrade your home automation setup with the versatile AQARA Smart Wall Switch H1 EU.

AQARA Wireless Switch H1 (Double Rocker)

The AQARA Wireless Switch H1 (Double Rocker) is a versatile and user-friendly smart home device that allows you to control various aspects of your home automation system. With its double rocker design, you can customize each button to control different devices or scenes within your smart home setup. Compatible with popular smart home platforms, this switch seamlessly integrates with your existing ecosystem. Its wireless and sleek design makes it easy to install and blend with your home decor. With just a press of a button, you can conveniently control lights, appliances, and other smart devices without the need for physical switches or remotes. Powered by a replaceable battery, this switch ensures long-lasting usage without frequent charging. Enhance the convenience and control of your smart home system with the AQARA Wireless Switch H1 (Double Rocker).

Augsta sprieguma relejs (40A), Z-Wave SmartThings

Augsta sprieguma relejs (40A) ir Z-Wave SmartThings saderīgs produkts, kas paredzēts elektroenerģijas vadībai un kontrolei. Šis relejs ir paredzēts lietošanai augsta sprieguma elektrotīklos, un tas spēj izturēt līdz pat 40 amperiem.Relejs ir aprīkots ar Z-Wave tehnoloģiju, kas ļauj to integrēt ar citiem Z-Wave saderīgiem ierīcēm un sistēmām, piemēram, SmartThings. Tas nozīmē, ka jūs varat kontrolēt un pārvaldīt šo releju no jebkuras vietas, izmantojot savu SmartThings lietotni vai citu Z-Wave saderīgu ierīci.Lietojot šo releju, jūs varat viegli ieslēgt vai izslēgt elektroenerģiju, kas plūst caur tā pieslēgumiem. Tas ir noderīgs, ja vēlaties attālināti kontrolēt dažādas ierīces vai apgaismojumu, kas ir pieslēgts pie šī releja. Tas var būt ērti, piemēram, ja vēlaties ieslēgt apkures sistēmu pirms ierodas mājās vai izslēgt elektroierīces, kad tās nav vajadzīgas.Šis augsta sprieguma relejs ir drošs un uzticams produkts, kas atbilst visiem attiecīgajiem drošības standartiem. Tas ir viegli uzstādāms un konfigurējams, un tam ir ilga kalpošanas ilgums. Tāpat tas ir kompaktā izmērā, kas ļauj to viegli ievietot jebkurā elektroinstalācijā.Kopumā, Augsta sprieguma relejs (40A), Z-Wave SmartThings ir praktisks un moderns produkts, kas ļauj jums kontrolēt elektroenerģiju no jebkuras vietas, nodrošinot ērtību un enerģijas efektivitāti.

Automātiskā mājdzīvnieku barotava ar metāla bļodu WIFI mini Dogness (balts)

Viedā WiFi Mini Dogness mājdzīvnieku barotava (balta) Mūsdienu tehnoloģiju laikmetā pat rūpēties par mūsu četrkājainajiem draugiem kļūst vieglāk un efektīvāk.

Automātiskā mājdzīvnieku barotava ar plastmasas bļodu WIFI mini Dogness (balts)

WIFI mini Dogness viedais barības dozators (balts). Mūsdienu tehnoloģiju laikmetā pat rūpēties par mūsu četrkājainajiem draugiem kļūst vieglāk un efektīvāk.

Balta stikla kontaktligzdas rāmis

Viens balts stikla rāmis RM sērijas ierīcēm Pateicoties šim rāmim, jūs varat uzstādīt 1 RM sērijas moduļus. Mūsu piedāvājumā meklējiet